Central Wisconsin Kestrel Research Janet Eschenbauch Amber Eschenbauch Eric Anderson-Facilitator
Falco sparverius Holds the Latin meaning “falcon of the sparrows” Often called a sparrow hawk
Frances Hamerstrom Monitored nestboxes for 30 years with help from gabboons. Started this historic nestbox program in 1968.
Buena Vista Grasslands Originally swamp and open marsh, the BVG was ditched and drained for agricultural use Originally swamp and open marsh, the BVG was ditched and drained for agricultural use WDNR manages 12,000 acres for preservation of Greater Prairie Chicken WDNR manages 12,000 acres for preservation of Greater Prairie Chicken
Monitoring 14/58 on Trees 26/58 on Electric Poles 18/58 on Free-standing Poles May to August
Methods & Improvizations
Surprises on the Marsh
Clutches Between 3-6 Eggs Between 3-6 Eggs Lays one egg every other day Lays one egg every other day Incubates when second to last is laid Incubates when second to last is laid Incubates for days Incubates for days
Chicks of all Ages
Male Female
Adult Plumage Female Male
Adaptations Eyespots confuse predators Eyespots confuse predators Eurasian Kestrels locate voles by urine trails which reflect ultraviolet light Eurasian Kestrels locate voles by urine trails which reflect ultraviolet light
Diet Mice Mice Small birds Small birds Snakes Snakes Grasshoppers Grasshoppers Dragonflies Dragonflies Other insects Other insects
Capture Methods Mechanical stuffed owl, Recorded owl call, Dho- gaza Net Mechanical stuffed owl, Recorded owl call, Dho- gaza Net Bal-chatri trap Bal-chatri trap Hand grabbing Hand grabbing
Dho-gaza Net Net drops down to cradle kestrel Net drops down to cradle kestrel No birds have been injured No birds have been injured
Banding Sizes
Processing Chicks
Processing Adults
Brood Patch Males brood about 30% of the time Males brood about 30% of the time Some develop brood patch Some develop brood patch
Education Nest site fidelity Nest site fidelity Natal dispersal Natal dispersal Clutch success rates Clutch success rates Educate public with help from other researchers and volunteers Educate public with help from other researchers and volunteers
The Release
Percent of boxes occupied by American Kestrels in central Wisconsin from Our study has not shown a significant drop.
Clutch size, number hatched, and number of fledglings from successful AMKE nest boxes in central WI.
We would like to thank the WDNR, Greg Dahl, Jim Keir, the Citizen-Based Monitoring Partnership Grant Program, Eric Anderson, Eugene Jacobs, the Aldo Leopold Audubon Society, D. Haessly and all of our volunteers for making this research possible.
Number of young American Kestrels produced per nest attempt from central Wisconsin.