How to prepare & carry out your oral presentation Some feedback after oral presentation 1 & to prepare oral presentation you
General conditions: You choose the topic for your oral presentation. Each topic has some issues (= parts & ingredients) you must develop in your oral presentation obligatorily.
Mechanisms to work better: 1.The criteria for the evaluation. 2.Tips (recommendations) to prepare your texts Your teacher can correct the texts you prepare in advance. = Draft version
Hello, today I am going to describe a visual document, more specifically a funny sketch performed by Mr. Bean. First of all, I’m going to give you some information about… Mr. Bean, according to his professional background. Then, I am going to describe … all the techniques and resources he uses to make you laugh. Finally I would like to comment on with you … my reasons to choose this famous English comedian.
Explain your reasons critically Describe Mr. Bean’s main projects (films, TV programs,…) Describe and analyse his abilities and humorous resources (= techniques) to make people laugh Express your reasons critically.
He born in Mr. Bean use irony … He was born in Mr. Bean useS irony … Not only in the INDEX ! Because, So, Although … Funny, laugh.. Hilarious, witty, sarcastic … You can use a good online dictionary, ask Amber, ask me …!!
You are ready to rephrase, give more details, answer, clarify, give a synonym, …. You can use different resources: - point the element out - write on the whiteboard … - stress the element - give a synonym or a definiton of it - ask people in class about it! You can prepare a really USEFUL PPT: different resources: - NO sentences on it! - ONLY Key Words, difficult words, Data or Concepts + photos, videos …