Coding FLAME Algorithms with Example: dot product Robert van de Geijn Department of Computer Sciences, UT-Austin
What is is the Mscript Application Programming Interface (API) for coding FLAME algorithms. Mscript is the programming language for Matlab and Octave (which is a public domain version of Matlab).
This tutorial assumes that you have already completed the FLaTeX tutorial
Upon completion of the FLaTeX tutorial, your Spark session looked something like this. Recreate this state if it is not already in this state.
Select and click “Generate Code”
Select All in the right frame and Copy
Create a directory Change to that directory Start up emacs (or your favorite text editor)
Paste the code skeleton
Delete the default comments in the loop body
Notice that the only part of the algorithm for which Spark doesn’t generate code is the update
Fill in the update and presto! the code is finished
Start octave Note: the –traditional option is required to make sure that octave doesn’t complain about matrices with one or more dimension equal to zero Set the path to where was installed.
Create random vectors x and y, and set to 2
Execute the function Dot_unb_var1 and check against the answer that octave gives. (Note: the “ ‘ ” indicates transposition in Mscript.)