Fan the Flame Alive-O 8 Term 2: Lesson 1


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Presentation transcript:

Fan the Flame Alive-O 8 Term 2: Lesson 1 What am I trying to do? Explore the children’s experience of Christian witness. Why? So as to foster in them a developing sense of their baptismal and/ Confirmation call.

Jesus’ Birth and Rebirth The four Gospels introduce Jesus in different ways. Read the following from the Bible to compare the introductions: Bible Search Matthew 1:1-5 Mark 1:1:1-3 Luke 1:1-7 John 1:1-9

Bible search Read the four different accounts of Jesus’ baptism in each of the four Gospel’s: Matthew 3:1-17 Mark 1:1-11 Luke 3:1-22 John 1:19-34

Read The Holy Spirit Helps Us on page 109-110 in Teacher’s Manual/Pupil’s Textbook and follow with the Consider points on page 110.

Bible Search Matthew 4:18-22 Mark 1:16-20 Luke 5:1-11 John 1:35-42 Allocate a passage to each group in the class.

Bible Search-part 1 Read the passage which you have been given. Who is in it? What is happening? Share your thoughts with the class.

Bible Search-part 2 Read the passage a second time. What was the most important thing that happens in this passage? Share your thoughts with the class.

Bible Search-part 3 Read the passage a third time. God speaks to you as you read and listen to scripture. As you read the passage be open to hearing God’s message to you today.

Pentecost Day Acts 2:1-4 When Pentecost day came around they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a mighty wind from heaven.

The noise filled the entire room in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them.

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.