The Flame Angelfish is known for its beauty. It is a brilliantly colored fish, and unlike other Angelfish, their markings don't change with age. The Flame Angelfish is considered one of the best choices for aquariums because it usually adapts well to captivity. It is best kept singly or in mated pairs, and with other less- aggressive fish.
The Flame Angelfish is also known as the Japanese Pygmy Angelfish or Flame Angel. The Flame Angelfish is a good community fish, but in a lot of cases they are territorial and will fight with other angelfish. Species: Centropyge loricula Popular Name: Flame Angelfish Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Pomacanthidae
Flame Angelfish are usually 4 inches long. Flame Angelfish have a lifespan of about 6-7 years. Flame angelfish secrete a type of mucus, or slime, from their skin. This slime provides protection against parasites and infections and helps the Flame angelfish to move through the water faster. Other Angelfish species also release toxins in their slime which ward off enemy attacks. Other fish species use their slime to feed their young.
Angelfish are all grazers in the wild and are classified as omnivores. They constantly scan the rock for food items throughout the day, much like surgeonfish. They consume algae, tiny crustaceans and sometimes even detritus. In the tank they can be fed frozen, dry or live food (particularly Brine Shrimp).
Larger fishes are usually predators of angelfish. Sometimes smaller juveniles may be preyed upon by invertebrate predators. Larger fish are usually predators of angelfish.
Flame Angelfish are not meant for human consumption. Even if they were they may carry diseases and not have enough meat.
The Flame angelfish is an egg laying species that forms harems consisting of 3-7 individuals. Just like most other known species of dwarf angel, it is a synchronous protogynic hermaphrodite (which is why it is almost impossible to tell the males and females apart). The offspring develops into females, and each female is capable of changing into a male if she receives the right combination of size and social stimuli..
The Flame angelfish is found in the Pacific Ocean, mainly in tropical environments between 28°N and 25°S. It inhabits clear lagoons and seaward reefs from the lower surge zone to a depth of 57 meters / 187 feet. It is a reclusive species that rarely ventures far from a suitable hiding spot. The Flame angelfish lives in harems consisting of 3-7 specimens. (South Pacific and Western Pacific, Hawaii, Australia, Coral Sea, Great Barrier Reef, Christmas Islands) An aquarium no smaller than 50 gallons should be used to house a flame angelfish.
The Flame Angelfish is known for its beauty Great aquarium fish Territorial but friendly Small sized and live long Egg laying species and synchronous protogynic hermaphrodite Found in tropical regions
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