Fanning Old Flames Chap 13. 緒論 重要性 重要性 " 難忘舊情人 " 令人困擾 " 難忘舊情人 " 令人困擾 Ruminations (反覆思惟) about past lovers: Ruminations (反覆思惟) about past lovers: painful,


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Presentation transcript:

Fanning Old Flames Chap 13

緒論 重要性 重要性 " 難忘舊情人 " 令人困擾 " 難忘舊情人 " 令人困擾 Ruminations (反覆思惟) about past lovers: Ruminations (反覆思惟) about past lovers: painful, persistent, distressing painful, persistent, distressing

緒論 理論 理論 Martin & Tesser (1989) Martin & Tesser (1989) unsatisfied desires → rumination 增 unsatisfied desires → rumination 增 Epstein (1983) Epstein (1983) rumination (coping strategies) rumination (coping strategies) → habituation to the stressful situation → habituation to the stressful situation

緒論 理論 理論 Wegner (1989) etc. Wegner (1989) etc. suppression of the unwanted thought suppression of the unwanted thought →immediate relief from distress →immediate relief from distress but prevent habituation but prevent habituation continued distress continued distress →further rumination →further rumination →suppression →suppression renew the problem renew the problem

緒論 研究目的 研究目的 驗證假設 : 驗證假設 : thought suppression thought suppression → intensify physiological reactivity → intensify physiological reactivity to thoughts of an old flame to thoughts of an old flame 方法 : 方法 : physiological reactivity: SCL physiological reactivity: SCL 1st expression – suppression – 2nd expression 1st expression – suppression – 2nd expression

緒論 研究目的 研究目的 預測 : 預測 : 1st expression: 1st expression: SCL: hot flame > cold flame SCL: hot flame > cold flame 2nd expression: 2nd expression: hot flame / suppress hot flame / suppress > hot flame / not suppress > hot flame / not suppress cold flame cold flame

方法 受試者 受試者 男 38 人, 女 32 人 男 38 人, 女 32 人 前測 前測 問卷 : meaningful past relationship 問卷 : meaningful past relationship

方法 實驗設計 : 2×2×3 混合設計 實驗設計 : 2×2×3 混合設計 獨變項 : 獨變項 : Hot / Cold flame ( 受試者間 ) Hot / Cold flame ( 受試者間 ) suppression: Flame / Statue of Liberty ( 受試者間 ) suppression: Flame / Statue of Liberty ( 受試者間 ) task period: express-suppress-express ( 受試者內 ) task period: express-suppress-express ( 受試者內 ) 依變項 : 依變項 : Skin Conductance Level (SCL)

方法 程序 程序 Two-minute baseline think aloud periods Two-minute baseline think aloud periods Task session: Task session: 1min (baseline) + 3 min×3 (every task) 1min (baseline) + 3 min×3 (every task) 1. Express (1st) : think of the person 1. Express (1st) : think of the person 2. Suppress: NOT to think 2. Suppress: NOT to think Flame / Statue of Liberty Flame / Statue of Liberty 3. Express (2nd) 3. Express (2nd)

結果 平均數 : 2nd expression Figure 1 Figure 1 統計分析 ANOVA: 2 (Hot vs. Cold Flame) × 2 (Suppression Target: Flame vs. Statue of Liberty) × 3 (Time: first, middle or last 10 minutes) Hot > Cold (main effect) : 1st expression * suppression ** 2nd expression * 2nd expression period : /× Flame/Statue×Time ** Hot/Cold× Flame/Statue×Time **