Welcome to the Mariposa
The Emblem The cross and flame are ancient symbols of Christ and Pentecost suggesting change and mobility. “I now remind you to stir into flame the God which is within you.” (Timothy 1:6a)
The UNITED METHODIST WOMEN shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to KNOW GOD and to EXPERIENCE FREEDOM AS WHOLE PERSONS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST: To develop a creative, supportive FELLOWSHIP and expand concepts of MISSION through participation in Global Ministries of the Church.
We are organized for mission, an inclusive organization, inheritors of a long tradition in ministry to spiritual and physical healing of woman, children, and youth around the world.
The Mariposa United Methodist Women are united in a spirit of mission.
N. E. T. Not Enough Time (for parents) The second Thursday of each month the UMW provides child care at the Mariposa United Methodist Church. The children have an enriching experience from 9:00 to 11:30.
TGIF Thank God Its Friday An after school program for school children on Fridays, 2:45-5:00 at the Mariposa United Methodist church, the UMW provides: Bible study, snacks, singing, chiming, art, games, puzzles… in a spirit of Christian warmth.
Mission Find the lost. Heal the broken. Feed the hungry. Rebuild nations. Release the prisoners. Bring peace among brother and sisters.
Mission Study January 2015 Mariposa United Methodist Women Take a look at: Bahamas Methodist Habitat
Bahamas Methodist Habitat... is a non-profit outreach ministry of the Bahamas Conference of the Methodist Church that focuses on being a catalyst through disaster response.
We serve families in need of emergency home repair on an ongoing basis.
We have been deeply rooted in Eleuthera since 1992.
Goals & Objectives Brenda Thompson Interim Co- Director
a) To raise the standard of living for 50 families within the country in the next 12 months.
b) To provide a quality mission experience for 600+ volunteers in the next year and host 200+ local retreat guests in our facility
c) To host 35 weeks of after- school programming and tutoring for local elementary school children.
d) Continue to partner with the Zion Children's Home for abandoned or abused children.
The Zion Methodist Children’s Home Current Island is to provide 24-hour, safe and caring home environment for 16 children between the ages of 2-12 years who were physically or mentally abused, abandoned, neglected, or molested.
e) Assist in opening the James Cistern Community Health Clinic within the next year.
United Methodist Women (UMW) of the Mariposa United Methodist Church has regular meetings on Wednesdays, and special activities on other days. Check the Spire, or our Get Involved! Web page, or contact Grace Bryant, UMW Communications Secretary, (209) for times and more information. Check this spot for Monthly Mission Study! “I now remind you to stir into flame the God which is within you.” (Timothy 1:6a)