Glencoe Visual Showcase Culinary Essentials
Remove all glasses and dishware from the table. 1 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase 2 Place standard accessories, such as candles, on a tray, not a chair.
Fold the soiled cloth back about one fourth of its length. Fold it onto the table, but do not show any of the surface underneath. 3 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase
Place the clean tablecloth over the folded portion of the soiled cloth. 4 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase 5 With the seam down, drop the end of the new cloth so that it is opened one fold and hangs over the end of the table.
Using both hands, hold the two corners of both the clean and soiled cloths. Pull them toward the end of the table. 6 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase
When you reach the other end of the table, let go of the cloth corners. 7 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase
Grasp the hanging corners of the soiled cloth and bring them to the other corners of the folded cloth. 8 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase
9 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase Neatly fold the soiled cloth again, making sure the trapped crumbs do not fall onto the floor. Hold all corners and drop the top edge of the new cloth over the table. Do not let go of the corners of the soiled cloth. 10
Place the cloth on the tray. 11 Change a Tablecloth Glencoe Visual Showcase Before placing the soiled linen in a linen bag, empty the crumbs in a lined trash can in the back of the foodservice operation. 12
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