The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Facility Building Tour (continued) Electrical and Communication Closets Check: All vertical penetrations properly sealed, and horizontal penetrations sealed for rated rooms; electrical panels properly labeled for correct circuits; arc flash labels on electrical panels and disconnects Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Facility Building Tour (continued) Clean Utility Rooms Check: 1) Locked if sharps or medications stored 2) Compressed gas cylinders properly secured, physically segregated and labeled FULL / EMPTY 3) No original shipping containers 4) No dirty supplies or equipment 5) No supplies on floor 6) Lower supply shelf covered Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Facility Building Tour (continued) Dirty Utility Rooms Check: 1) No food or consumable items 2) Only clean supplies and equipment present 3) Locked if required by AHJ 4) Risk assessment recommended if the room is unlocked 5) Normally no need for eyewash stations unless corrosives are present and evaluated through risk assessment Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Facility Building Tour (continued) Linen or Trash Chutes Check: Room or chute locked; chute door rated at least 1.5 hours; sprinkler in chute every other floor; door self-closing and latching Linen or Trash Chute Receiving Room Check: Chute door closed or fusible link; room and door rated the same as required for the chute; door self-closing (see NFPA 82 - Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Hazardous Areas Check: Storage of flammables, room rating, door closer Clean Linen Rooms Check: Carts provide 18” sprinkler head clearance; room at positive pressure; no dirty linen present; door self-closing Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Soiled Linen Rooms Check: 1) Sprinkler head clearance >18” vertically, 4” horizontally 2) Dirty linen separated from “clean” 3) Room at negative pressure relative to corridor 4) Room and door rated for hazardous area 5) Door closer Fire Extinguishers Check: Log sheets, test tags and dates (surveyor may ask about extinguisher “HEFT” check Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Eyewashes, Showers and Bottles Check: 1) Log sheets, test tags and dates 2) Tempered water (60 – 100 F) 3) Placement: < 55 feet from chemicals 4) Risk assessment performed? 5) Policy for testing 6) Bottles are considered “first aid” stations, not eyewash stations! 7) Reference: ANSI Z358.1 Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Medical Waste Storage Check: Locked area, secure, sharps not accessible Loading Dock Check: Smoking violations, improper storage, powered equipment that can be energized (compactors, balers, autoclaves) Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Kitchen Area Check: Cleanliness; dry storage room fire-rated with self- closing door; sprinkler head clearance; CO2 tanks secured; refrigerator temps, K-type portable extinguishers within 30’ of fat fryer, sterno or butane cans properly stored Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Mechanical Equipment Rooms Check: Storage, unlabeled containers, cigarettes; rated walls and doors; properly sealed penetrations Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Emergency Generators Check: In “auto” mode, batteries/ charger, fuel leaks; emergency battery lights Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Medical Gas Systems Check: Manifolds, flexible connectors, medical air (dew point and CO), vacuum pumps, compressed tanks, ventilation Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Compressed Gas Storage Rooms Check: 1) Full and Empty separation 2) Chained, secured or on racks 3) Room rating (gas volume) 4) Door signage 5) Active exhaust grille placed 12” from floor Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Egress Corridor Ceilings Check: Stained ceiling tiles, dirty or corroded sprinkler heads, escutcheon plates missing, <3 feet clearance from smoke detectors to air supply or exhaust vents Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) Fire Pump Check: Controls turned “on”, valves open, tampers “OK”, water leaks on floor Fire Annunciator Panel Check: Bypass, trouble, ground fault, supervisory, actual alarm condition, other coded messages, power “off” Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Checklist for the Hospital Building Tour (cont’d) ILSM Verification Check: Construction areas for interim measures PFI Verification Check: Verify that previous PFI’s have been resolved Chapel Check: Candles, open flames Healthcare Engineering Consultants
The Life Safety Surveyor Facility Tour Questions? Healthcare Engineering Consultants