Psychological ◦ Feel comfortable and refreshed Physiological ◦ Wrinkled bed can cause skin irritation and contribute to pressure sores / decubitus ulcers Environmental ◦ Reservoir of microorganisms acquired from contact with patient
The nurse must follow aseptic principles when making a bed to prevent the spread of microorganisms by: ◦ Handwashing – wear gloves if linen soiled or you have an open lesion on your hands. ◦ Keep soiled linen away from body ◦ Place soiled linen in bag, never on the floor ◦ Never shake or fluff, always fold linen– prevents air currents that may spread microorganisms. ◦ Do not touch your hair, body with contaminated hands while bed making
Stand facing in the direction in which you are working and avoid twisting the body Have the center of gravity close to the base of support Use stronger arm and leg muscles Keep back straight and knees flexed Have bed at correct height Use of poor body mechanics can lead to chronic back problems
Provide privacy and comfort for the patient while making the bed by: ◦ Keep the patient covered ◦ Move gently and smoothly
Utilize appropriate human and material resources to be cost effective by: ◦ Use least amount of time by gathering all supplies prior to starting ◦ Stack linen in reverse order of use ◦ Move furniture away from the bed ◦ Strip and make one side of the bed completely before moving to the other side ◦ Use a systematic method
Maintain safety while making the bed by: ◦ Keep side rails up on side away from the nurse. ◦ Keep call bell within reach ◦ Check bed for malfunctions ◦ Keep patient in good body alignment ◦ Obtain help to hold the patient if necessary to ensure safety
Be sure that the bed looks neat when finished. If you fan-fold the covers to the foot of the bed as in an open bed, take time to get the folds straight. Stand back and look at the bed ask yourself --Does it look neat?
Unoccupied ◦ Patient is up and not in the bed Occupied ◦ Patient in the bed and unable to get up Surgical ◦ Ready to receive a patient after surgery or following a procedure
Occupied Bed ◦ Harkreader p Unoccupied ◦ Harkreader p Surgical ◦ Harkreader p. 811