MUMMIES By Karolina and Hassan
Introduction Ancient Egyptians wrapped dead Pharaohs in linen in order to preserve their body. They believed once people died, they had to go to the afterlife. They also wrapped commoners but not as well as the Pharaohs. These preserved bodies are called Mummies. Ancient Egyptians wrapped dead Pharaohs in linen in order to preserve their body. They believed once people died, they had to go to the afterlife. They also wrapped commoners but not as well as the Pharaohs. These preserved bodies are called Mummies.
Where they were buried In the early times, Pharaohs were buried in Pyramids. The most popular pyramid is the great pyramid in Giza. In the early times, Pharaohs were buried in Pyramids. The most popular pyramid is the great pyramid in Giza. The valley of the kings was used from B.C. The Pharaohs were buried in underground tombs. Tutankhamen was buried there. The valley of the kings was used from B.C. The Pharaohs were buried in underground tombs. Tutankhamen was buried there.
How they were mummified 1. The body was washed and purified. 2. Organs were removed. Only the heart remained. 3. The body was filled with stuffing. 4. The body was dried by covering it with a substance called natron. 5. After days the stuffing was removed and replaced with linen or sawdust. 6. The body was wrapped in strands of linen and covered in a sheet called a shroud. 7. The body was placed in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.
Interesting facts Natron is a natural salt, composed of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate with traces of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. It was used by the ancient Egyptians to dry out the bodies. Natron is a natural salt, composed of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate with traces of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. It was used by the ancient Egyptians to dry out the bodies. The Egyptians thought the heart was the centre of intelligence and emotion. The Egyptians thought the heart was the centre of intelligence and emotion. Ancient Egyptians were buried with their belongings and the tomb walls were painted with scenes from the dead persons life. The objects included furniture, games and even food was placed in the tombs for the long After Life journey! Ancient Egyptians were buried with their belongings and the tomb walls were painted with scenes from the dead persons life. The objects included furniture, games and even food was placed in the tombs for the long After Life journey! Anubis was the god of mummification. He had a human body and the head of a jackal. His job was to prepare the bodies of the dead to be received by Osiris. Anubis was the god of mummification. He had a human body and the head of a jackal. His job was to prepare the bodies of the dead to be received by Osiris.
QUIZ TIME QUIZ TIME 1. What were the mummies wrapped in? 1. What were the mummies wrapped in? 2. when did they start using the valley of the kings? 2. when did they start using the valley of the kings? 3. For how long was the body covered with natron? 3. For how long was the body covered with natron? 4. Where was Tutankhamen buried? 4. Where was Tutankhamen buried? 5. In what was the body placed after being mummified? 5. In what was the body placed after being mummified?
Answers 1. The Pharaohs were wrapped in Linen. 1. The Pharaohs were wrapped in Linen. 2. It was used from B.C. 2. It was used from B.C. 3. It was covered for days. 3. It was covered for days. 4. he was buried in the valley of kings. 4. he was buried in the valley of kings. 5. The body was placed in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus. 5. The body was placed in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.
THE END Thank you for looking at our project Thank you for looking at our project By Karolina and Hassan By Karolina and Hassan