Fashion History Chapter 5
What do you think? Think about what teens wear today. What has inspired the fashions they choose? Could similar fashion be worn in the twentieth century? Are any current fashion trends controversial?
Then and Now
The Earliest Clothing Thousands of years ago people made clothing from natural resources to protect themselves from the weather. Early clothing was very simple in construction and design. What type of materials do you think the people would have used as clothing?
As early as 5000 B.C., people in Egypt made linen cloth from flax plants. A few thousands years later people in India and Pakistan produced fabric made of cotton. At about the same time people in China used silkworms to create silk products.
Fashions of early Civilizations The earliest, simplest garment was a rectangle of fabric wrapped or draped about the body. This was the most convenient way to make and wash a garment.
Ancient Egypt Early garments made from lightweight linen and cotton. These fabrics were perfect for the HOT climate
Minoan Civilization
Ancient Greece
Roman Empire
China and Japan
The Evolution of Fashion Many years ago fashion changed very slowly. People often wore the same clothing style for a LIFETIME!! Regional style difference started in Europe and were brought to America by European settlers.
The Middle Ages 400- 1400: Medieval Period Men wore simple wool or linen tunics and long stockings. Women wore tunics over long gowns. It was hard to distinguish a rich commoner from a rich nobleperson. Sumptuary Laws controlled what each class could wear. Silk, fur, and real silver could only be worn by the wealthy.
Renaissance Splendor Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Renaissance clothing was very elaborate. Wealthier classes set the standards for elegant fashions.
Seventeenth Century During the reign of Louis XIV in the seventeenth century, France became the worlds fashion leader. Lace became an important decoration in men’s garments. Women discarded hoops and frames and let their gowns fall naturally. Necklines became lower and hairstyles higher.
The Eighteenth Century Women wore loose, flowing muslin dresses based on classic Greek garments. Because there was no room for pockets on these dresses woman started using purses. The 1700s brought colonization followed by the Revolutionary War. As Europeans settled in America they brought their fashion styles with them.
The Nineteenth Century Social change and the rise of the middle class meant that many people could afford to buy new clothes more often. Men’s fashions included the cut away jacket, which evolved into the tailcoat. Men began wearing trousers instead of knee-high breeches. The trend of matching coat, vest, and trousers began.
Women’s fashion included the raised waistline dress which is now known as the empire waist. Dresses were full and elaborate. Skirts were supported by petticoats, crinolines, or hoops. Tightly laced corsets were essential undergarments.
Victorian Style Late 1800s clothes were designed more for appearance than practicality. Back bustle skirts High necklines and long fitted or leg-of-mutton sleeves
Influences on Fashion Trade Society traded goods and ideas that influenced their clothing.
Politics and Power Styles were often set by kings, queens, and other royalty. The most dominant nations spread their influence to others. Royalty and wives of political leaders became fashion icons. How is this still true today?
Religion Clothing can make a religious statement. People may choose clothing to represent their beliefs about lifestyle.
Technology From the very first clothing made, people have used technology to change and improve fabrics and clothing.
The Industrial Revolution The invention of the stem engine began what is known as the Industrial Revolution. The invention of power-driven machines would result in clothes being made at faster rate. Well-made clothing now cost less to manufacture and buy.
Development of Factories The first factories were built in New England after 1790. They were located near seaport, railroads, and rivers. After the Civil war, people started building textile mills in the south to be closer to the cotton fields. A majority of textile mills are still in the south today.
Ready-to-Wear The first men’s clothing factory specialized in making sailor’s uniforms. They did not have time to wait for a tailor to make a garment. Women’s ready-to-wear grew more slowly because of the changing trends in women’s fashions. Ready-to-wear clothing influenced the growth of large clothing stores.
Invention of New Fibers In 1889, a French chemist created fabrics made of artificial silk. This was the first fabrics not made of natural fibers. For many year researchers experimented with making artificial fabrics. In 1910 a new textile fiber was introduced to the United States, in 1924 it was given the name Rayon. Many new fibers and fabrics have been developed making a huge impact on fashions in the 20th century.
Conclusion Fabrics and clothing have evolved from early civilization to current times. Many factors influence the changes in fashion and will continue to cause changes in fashion From the 1900- present time fashion as changed more quickly then ever before.