Brandii Hancock & Maggie Hall
The Mauryan Empire became a major crossroad in a trade network that extended from the rim of the pacific to the Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean Sea. Gupta and Kushan, Empires.
The Gupta Empire was just south of the Silk Road so trade was a key factor in this civilization. Key features and land forms in this country include the Indus River, the Ganges River, the Karmada River and the Himalayan Mountains The Mauyra Empire
The Guptas, Mauryans, and Kushans practiced Hinduism and Buddhism. Although Hinduism is often understood as being a polytheistic religion, supposedly recognizing as many as 330 million gods, it also has one god that is ‘Supreme’ over all the others- Brahma. Their ‘Supreme’ God, Brahma.
They worshiped millions of gods and Hindus have a wide variety of care belief and exist in many different sects. Indian Merchants embraced Buddhism and played a large role in spreading the religion across the Mauryan Empire. Buddha
Many of the Achievements of the Gupta, Kushan, and Mauryan Empires happened in the academic fields. Science and religion also reached new heights during the Guptan era. This is the Dashavatera temple. It is located at Deogarh in central India. It was built in 500 A.D. and is one of the earliest Hindu stone temples to still survive today.
The highest points of this cultural creativity are magnificent architecture, sculptures, and paintings. Maurya and Gupta achieved having a stable economy, creating useful tools, and having a steady government. This is the Sanskrit language. It was the first written language Of the Gupta/Maurya Dynasty
Villages in Gupta were organized under natural bodies which consisted of the Head Man and village Elders. They had a fairly good judicial system. The king presided over the highest court. This is Asoka the Great. He was one of the Mauryan Kings that once ruled.
In Maurya, with the development of a strong empire, and organized system of taxation began to evolve. Industry and businesses also flourished, land was going to be a major source of income from the Government. An example of wool and linen that were being produced.
Gupta continued to have agriculture as an important part, but there was significant progress the industry and trade. One of the most important industries in the Gupta empire were the textile industry. Silk, Muslin, calico, linen, wool and cotton were the major textiles being produced. An example of linen that was being produced
Maurya-The Seleucid ambassador at the Maurya court talks about the seven main castes- Philosophers, farmers, soldiers, herdsmen, artisans, and magistrates. Gupta-The vast empire was divided into provinces, which were under the control of the governors who were from the family. Kushan- The Kushan Empire was one of the great powers of the periods. It comprised a large number of countries with different social structures. Slave owning systems existed in the towns. A Pyramid of the social structures In the Maurya, Gupta, And Kushan Empires.
Kushan- The Kushan Empire was one of the great powers of the periods. It comprised a large number of countries with different social structures. Slave owning systems existed in the towns The social levels on jobs