By Maria
6/4/2600BC Dear diary, I have just arrived in ancient Egypt by boat from Greece and I’m looking forward to exploring this local area.
6/4/2600BC Dear diary, I was offered a place to stay with food to eat on the conditions that I help hunt and help build houses.
7/4/2600 BC Dear diary, I had a restless sleep last night. The beds here are very hard as they are wood with a woven reed mattress and are only covered by ruff sheets of linen over the top. But it still exciting to be staying in a mud brick house.
9/4/2600 BC Dear diary, The life here is similar to home. The Egyptians grow crops and animals like cattle, goats and sheep and hunt for wild animals as well. The people here wear clothes made out of Linen. Men wear the piece of linen at their waist and women have their clothing wrapped around their whole body with their shoulders bare. The children here don’t wear clothes until they’re six and over.
10/4/2600 BC Dear diary, I have noticed that the Egyptians life evolves around a river called the Nile. They gather water from the Nile, wash their clothes, fish. This river is also used for boat transport, watering crops and provides the animals they hunt with water.
14/4/2600 BC Dear diary, I’m already learning about some of the Egyptians culture and religion.Here the people believe in a process called mummification. This is when an important person(espesially a pharaoh), is preserved for the after life by having people take out their insides, then putting vital organs in jars, drying the body out and then wrapping them in linen. They also believe that temples are the homes of gods and goddesses and worship and give offerings to the gods at the temple. also believe that their pharaoh is in fact a god, earning him limitless power to anything he wanted done as long as the people don’t find out that the pharaoh is human.
15/4/2600 BC Dear diary, The art here is very cultural and usually have a moral to the picture or sculpture. Many about religion, culture and daily life but not always. The Egyptians use many symbols to further explain the art as well. This links to their language and symbols. The language here is very complicated and is very hard to read even though I know how to speak the language.
20/4/2600 BC Dear diary, The Egyptians have a wide variety of sport from athletic to ball sports and chariot races. Many of them were competitive and challenge each other in team and individual sport.
21/4/2600 BC Dear diary, only children from rich families could afforded to go to school and when they do they are around about the age of four. Children are to copy papyrus scripts their teacher choose and have to copy it on to polished white lime stone with ink made of water and soot. It has almost an essential thing to be able to write. But only people who were chosen by their parent to be someone such as tax collector had to learn mathematics. It has apparently been like this for many years.
22/4/2600 BC Dear diary, Laws breakers here either get dealt with harshly or severely. From just plain caning to dismemberment then to execution depending on what was done. I've seen the caning and whipping hopefully I don’t see any of the other punshments.
1/5/2600 BC Dear diary, when traveling around Egypt I have found a way to better it in my opinion. I think criminals should be dealt with less drastically and should at least be able to live unless they also killed someone. Another one of my opinions is that they should make their water supply reserves bigger just in case of long drought.