Chances for Reusable surgical textiles EUROTAPE Conference 2011
EUROTAPE Conference 2011 – Chances for reusable surgical textiles | Slide 2 Organisational There is a downside to loads of interesting presentations: timing has to be kept To prepare the round table discussion tomorrow a questionnaire is circulated – please check during the afternoon!
EUROTAPE Conference 2011 – Chances for reusable surgical textiles | Slide 3 Reusable surgical textiles – a journey through time on a mile full of stones… The early days: green linen, surgical textiles as part of the laundry business 70s: single-use products emerging, (polyester) cotton vs. paper (with film) 80s: technology improving; retreatment, membranes, micro fibres, films 90s: linen vs. medical devices, single-use vs. reusables Arriving in the new century Low vs. high quality (another front) European standardization, EN series Including (single-use) accessories, adding kits Integration into supply chain (CPTs, case carts)
EUROTAPE Conference 2011 – Chances for reusable surgical textiles | Slide 4 Reusable surgical textiles – the big picture reusable single-use high quality low quality accessories, kits Case carts, logistics, full sterile service
EUROTAPE Conference 2011 – Chances for reusable surgical textiles | Slide 5 So where are we today? Interesting reports from various national markets to come – so travel the world without leaving Amsterdam! The market situations presented today and tomorrow are different and hence the presentations vary in their focus – for comparison you might look at Product technologies currently used Market participants, competition, market shares Regulatory and quality level State of health care system Distribution line, decision taking, buying centre
Let‘s go on and see and learn!