Why does a priest wear different clothes? Why does a priest have to wear certain things and can’t choose his own colors, etc….
A full flowing robe of white linen reaching to the feet, covering entire body and worn over the Amice. Alb is the Latin word for "white". An ordinary outer garment worn in warm climates, even today in the near East. A full sleeved white tunic worn by those having and dignity or authority in Ancient Rome. Purity of body and soul required of God's priest and of those worthily assisting at Mass. Symbolizes our darkness being changed into light of Jesus. Prayer While Vesting. " Make me white, O Lord, and purify my heart, so that being made white in the Blood of the Lamb, I may deserve eternity."
A thick cord of silk, linen or cotton with tassel ends. Secures Alb around the waist. Used to gird up the long, loose flowing Alb, so as not to interfere with walking or working. Meaning for us. A symbol of girding ourselves for hard service, keeping the passions in check; to be pure and strong spiritually so as to fight evil and do good. Prayer While Vesting. " Gird me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity and extinguish in my heart the fire of concupiscence so that, the virtue of continence and chastity always abiding in my heart, I may the better serve Thee."
History of former use: A scarf or neck-piece; later a badge of honor for those enjoying and dignity; or a distinctive mark of duty for those exercising any authority. Prayer While Vesting. " Restore unto me, O Lord, the stole of immortality which I lost through the sin of my first parents and, although unworthy to approach Thy Sacred Mystery, may I nevertheless attain to joy eternal."
History of former use. Used as a circular cape, without sleeves; with a hole in the middle for the head to pass through; this garment completely enveloped the body; a practical outdoor garment of protection against the weather. Called " chasuble" from Latin word "casula" meaning a little house. Prayer While Vesting. " O Lord, Who hast said, My yoke is sweet and My Burden light; grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy grace."
Ciborium Chalice
Corporal Purificator
Tabernacle Sanctuary Lamp
Crucifix Cross
Why do we sit, stand, kneel, etc…. When do we stand and why? When do we kneel and why? When do we bow? Mention of the Incarnation: Creed (born of the virgin Mary and became man)
1. walking before the altar 2. Before Communion 3. After Concecration (especially when standing) 3. Mention of the Incarnation: Creed (born of the virgin Mary and became man) – genuflect and feasts of the Incarnation – Christmas and Annunciation) Angelus: “And the word became flesh and dwelt among us” Other?
Sign of the Cross Glory to you, O Lord Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, mea Maxima Culpa Sign of Peace Other?
1. Gum 2. Movements or dress to bring attention to you and not God
1. Don’t put anything on altar or use sacred vessels… 2. When crossing before an altar, bow 3. Genuflect before blessed sacrament in chapel or when he is being carried by you… 4. Make sign of cross when driving (walking by) chapel (trend setters for the Lord)