Computerisation of Land Records Project – ‘Dharitree’ DIT (GoI) sponsored Pilot Project Launched in September 2003 and completed in May 2005 Basic land records (chitha) and parts of Jamabandi (Record of Rights) of all 1620 revenue villages digitized. Processes also automated such as online mutation, partition, conversion etc. IT infrastructure provided to all Revenue Circles Citizen centric services already being provided Website with URL already launched (User/Password – land/land)
Geographical Information System Digitization of plot level maps of Dhekiajuli town under that revenue circle already completed on an experimental basis by NIC, Assam Digitized plot maps linked to Land Records database successfully Digitized maps to be linked to village information database being created for micro-level planning Proposal for digitization of all village maps of the district up to plot level
Computerisation of Registration Pilot Project of DIT (GoI) started in September 2004 Software already developed by NIC, Assam and in the final stages of preparation All four offices of Sub-Registrars in the district to be computerised and provided with necessary IT infrastructure Land valuation module developed and experimented at Dhekiajuli revenue circle
Village Level Information Kiosks Agreement of District Administration with Drishtee Foundation, New Delhi for setting up kiosks in the district in PPP Model Aimed at providing citizen-centric services at village level at nominal cost to citizens 78 kiosks already set up in different parts of the district – 30 more in the offing Kiosks also presently providing services like computer training, online insurance (ICICI), digital photography etc Other e-Governance services like issue of certificates, copies of RoR, E/Rolls etc are being started soon through single window system – ‘e-Poduli’, involving the kiosk network and Revenue Circle Offices