Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Contents Vietnam basic information 1 Overview of Economy in Vietnam 2 Trade Volume between Vietnam and Global 3 Evaluation 4
1. Vietnam basic information Official name Official name The Socialist Republic of Vietnam Official languague Official languague Vietnamese Economy Currency: VND GDP (nominal): US $138 billions, GDP (nominal) per capita: US $1.527 (2012) Inflation rate: 6.81% (2012) Religion Buddhism (7.66%), Catholic (6.39%), Hoa Hao (1.61%), Cao Dai (0.91%).. Irreligion: 82.37% (2009) millions habitants as of 2012 (Male: mil; Female: mil) Workforce over age of 15: mil (Male: 51.3%; Female: 48.7%) Jobless rate: 3.25% Population
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Overview of Economy in Vietnam GDP during first 9 months of 2013 (according to curent price) (Source: Vietnam General Statistic Office) Sector Value (billion VND) Percentage (%) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industry and Construction Service Total
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: GDP growth rate during first 9 months of Overview of Economy in Vietnam (Source: Vietnam General Statistic Office) Items GDP growth rate (%) Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Industry and Construction Service Total
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Overview of Economy in Vietnam CPI situation (Sept 2012 – Sept 2013) (Source: Vietnam National Financial Supervisory Commission)
2. Overview of Economy in Vietnam CPI during first 9 months of 2013 (Source: Vietnam General Statistic Office ) No.ItemsGrowth rate (%) 1Food & Service Beverage and Cigarette Apparel, Hat and Shoes Appartment and Construction component Houseware products Medicine and Medical service Traffic Postal & Telecommunications Education Culture, Entertainment and Tourism Others Products and Services Total106.83
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Overview of Economy in Vietnam Value (1000 Billions VND) Percentage (%)Growth rate (%) State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Private Enterprises FDIs Total Investment during first 9 months of 2013 (Source: Vietnam General Statistic Office)
2. Overview of Economy in Vietnam No.CountriesNo. of Project Registed Capital (Million USD) 1 Singapore South Korea Japan Russia HongKong Thailand Taiwan Cayman China UK Germany Australia US Denmark Neitherland France 1336 Foreign direct investment (FDI) licensed from 01/01- 20/09/2013 (Source: Vietnam General Statistic Office)
3. Trade Volume between Vietnam and Global (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade) Export Import Trade Balance (9 months) Trade Statistic during first 9 months (2008 – 2013)
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Trade Volume between Vietnam and Global Trade statistics between Vietnam and Global during first 9 months of 2013 Unit: Billion USD (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade) Items Trade Volume Export Import Trade Balance
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Trade Volume between Vietnam and Global Items Trade Volume Export Import Trade Balance Trade statistics between Vietnam and Thailand during first 9 months of 2013 (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade) Unit: Million USD
3. Trade Volume between Vietnam and Global No Items MONTHS PERCENTAFGE (%) AugSept Growth rate (%) Growth rate (%) I In term of economic categories 1 State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) 21,79121, ,158192, Group 2,2572, ,42820, Individual 109,391112, ,683972, Personal 78,00479, ,919681, FDIs 7,7537, ,20665, II In term of economics sectors 219,196223, ,717,3941,932, Commercial 167,861171, ,325,8951,484, Hotel. Restaurant 26,80326, ,638233, Tourism 1,8481, ,58718, Services 22,68322, ,274196, Total 219,196223, ,717,3941,932, Total retail sales during 9 months of 2013 Unit: Billion VND (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade)
VIETNAM EXPORT SITUATION No months AugSept Percentage (%) Percentage (%) ITotal 11,92311,300Value83,38596, State-Owned Enterprises 3,9913, ,14232, FDIs Including crude oil 7,9327,494 52,24363, Excluding crude oil 7,2896, ,00858, IIMain Product 94.7 A Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries products (Rice, Rubber, Coffee.…) 1,7671,682 15,75914, B Fuel and Mental (Coal, Crude Oil, Fuel...) ,7237, C Processing industry (Candy and Cereal, Chemical product, Shoes, Aparel, Wood product,…) 8,4457, ,20967, DOther product ,6957, Exportation in terms of product 9/2013 (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade) (Unit: Million USD)
NoCOUNTRY months AugSept Percentage (%) Percentage (%) IAsian 11,92311, ,38596, South East Asia 6,1255, ,04149, East Asia 1,6141, ,42513, Middle South Asia 3,6203, ,09628, West Asia ,6142, IIEurope ,9074, EU 27 2,3842, ,23719, East, South Europe 2,1422, ,23117, IIIAmerica ,0061, North America 1,9871, ,90519, South America 1,7291, ,40617, Latin America & Caribes IVAfrica ,4211, North Afica Other African countries VAustralasia ,1031, VIOther Markets ,3612, Total ,3933, VIETNAM EXPORT SITUATION Exportation in terms of market 9/2013 (Unit: Million USD) (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade)
No PRODUCTS MONTHS AUGSEP PERCENTAGE (%) PERCENTAGE (%) I Total Value 11,31911, ,62196, SOEs 4,9675, ,96042, FDIs 6,3526, ,66054, II Main Products A Products need importing (Wheat. soybean. milk. medicine and chemical product. car. phone. mobilephone.…) 9,9739, ,63084, B Import products need controlling (vegettable. gems. precious metal. …) ,2463, C Limited import products (Motobike. cellphone. …) ,8044, D Other products ,9414, III Import surplus - Export surplus Import surplus- Export surplus Rate VIETNAM IMPORT SITUATION Importation in terms of product 9/2013 Unit: Million USD (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade)
VIETNAM IMPORT SITUATION No COUNTRY months AugSep Percentage (%) Percentage (%) I Asia 11,31911, ,62196, South East Asia 9,0309, ,45777, East Asia 1,7711, ,43415, South Middle Asia 6,7686, ,50657, West Asia ,7752, II Europe ,7422, EU 27 1,0701, ,5058, Some of West. East and North Europe ,3037, III America ,2021, North America ,8696, Latin America and Caribe ,9764, IV Africa ,8942, North Africa Other African countries V Australasia VI Other Markets ,6461, Total ,8891, (Source: Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade) Importation in terms of market Unit: Million USD
Thai Trade Center HCM 8 th floor. Unit 4. Saigon Center Building 65 Le Loi Boulevard. Dist 1. HCMC Tel: Fax: Evaluation Affected by world economy A decline of purchasing power, of agricultural products price Difficulties in exporting Unfavorable weather