NFSM – COMMERCIAL CROPS Crops Division Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Government of India Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES (12 th Five Year Plan)
NFSM-Commercial crops-Objectives In the 12 th Plan, under the NFSM, cropping system approach is being proposed. Commercial crops like cotton, jute and sugarcane included. Crop rotation, multiple cropping systems, intercropping etc. given emphasis. Outcome - to meet the demand for both food & cash crops.
Implementing Agencies DAC, Krishi Bhawan DOCD, Mumbai Cotton Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tripura and Tamil (13 States) _____________________ Agencies: ICAR, KVKs, SAUs, Cooperatives DOJD, Kolkata Jute Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar,Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (10 states) ICAR, KVKs, SAUs, Cooperatives DOSD, Lucknow Sugarcane A ndhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand. (11 states) ICAR,KVKs, SAUs, Cooperatives
Fund flow NFSM-commercial crops will be 100% funded. DAC will release the fund to SDA, ICAR, SAUs, CDDs. The implementing agencies will submit UC, periodic & Final report to the respective CDDs. As far as possible, electronic banking / RTGS will be used for transfer of funds to the State Government/agencies. Panchayati Raj Institutions will be actively involved.
Monitoring & Reporting Respective states will formulate AAP & submit to CDDs Act as nodal office of respective commercial crop. NALMOT will be constituted by CDD to monitor the activities of NFSM-commercial crops. The implementing agencies will submit QPRs by the 15th of the month. APR latest by 30th April in prescribed format. OPR and APR to ADC(Crops), DAC & CDD. Concurrent Evaluation will be done every year. Impact Evaluation Study will also be undertaken after the third year of implementation.
Cotton Based Cropping Systems StateCropping Systems Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan Cotton-wheat, cotton-mustard Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat Mono-cropped cotton, cotton-jowar (2 year rotation), intercropping with blackgram, greengram, soybean, groundnut and pigeonpea. Andhra PradeshMono-cropped cotton, cotton-rice (sequence), cotton-jowar. Tamil NaduMono-cropped cotton, rice-cotton, rice-rice- cotton, cotton-jowar, cotton-pulses-jowar, intercropping with onion, groundnut and blackgram. KarnatakaMonocropped cotton, cotton-wheat, intercropping with chilli, groundnut, blackgram and greengram.
Components & pattern of assistance (Cotton) ComponentUnit cost (Rs.)Implementing agency Insecticide Resistant Management (IRM) Rs.4.5 lakh / dist + Administrative cost CICR, Nagpur Online Pest Monitoring and Advisory Services (OPMAS) Rs. 4.5 lakh / dist + Administrative cost NCIPM, New Delhi FLDS on ICM Rs.7000/ha Cotton.docxCotton.docx SDA/ ICAR/SAUs/ KVK/NGOs / Cooperatives FLDs on Desi and ELS cotton / ELS Cotton Seed Production. Rs.8000/ha ICAR/SAUs/ KVK/NGOs /Cooperatives /SDA FLDs on Intercropping Rs.7000/ha ICAR/SAUs/ KVK/NGOs /Cooperatives /SDA Trials on High Density Planting System Rs.9000/ha ICAR/SAUs/ KVK/NGOs /Cooperatives /SDA Contingencies & Electronic Print Media Rs lakh per yearDOCD, Mumbai
Jute Based Cropping Systems Growing Conditions Cropping System Rainfed Conditions Jute – Lentil, Jute-blackgram- Wheat, Jute-Rice-Toria, inter crop with green gram, vegetables etc., Irrigated Conditions Jute-Rice-Potato, Jute-Rice- Lentil/Pea, Jute-Rice-Wheat, Jute – Rice-Mustard
Components & pattern of assistance (Jute) ComponentUnit costImplementing agency Production of Breeder Seed Foundation Seed Certified Seeds Rs 20000/qtl Rs.12000/qtl Rs.5000/qtl SDA, CRIJAF, NSC, SFCI, SAU, ICAR, KVKs and farmers group Seed Village programme /government farm Rs. 30,000/- ha JUTE.docx JUTE.docx SDA,SAUs, KVKs, SSC, NSC, SFCI & SSCA FLDs on alternate Retting Rs /FLD jUTE 2.docxjUTE 2.docx ICAR/SAUs/ KVK FLDs on Production technologies/ intercropping Rs.8000/ha ICAR/SAUs/ KVK/NGOs /Cooperatives /SDA National level training (25 Participants X 3 days) Rs.80000/Training jUTE 3.docxjUTE 3.docx CRIJAF, NIRJAFT, SAU such other organization. State level training (20 Officials X 2 days) Rs /Training SDA/ SAU / KVK Contingencies & Electronic Print Media Rs lakh/DOJD, Kolkata
Sugarcane Based Cropping Systems Sub tropical regionTropical region Paddy- Autumn Sugarcane-ratoon- wheat Bajra-Sugarcane(pre-seasonal)- Ratoon- wheat Greengram- Autumn Sugarcane- ratoon-wheat Paddy-Sugarcane-Ratoon- Finger millet Maize- Autumn Sugarcane-ratoon- wheat Paddy-Sugarcane-Ratoon- Wheat Kharif Crops-Potato-Spring Sugarcane-ratoon-Wheat Paddy-Sugarcane-Ratoon- gingelly Kharif Crops-Mustard-Spring Sugarcane-ratoon-Wheat Paddy-Sugarcane-Ratoon- urd. Kharif Crops-Pea/Coriander-Spring Sugarcane-ratoon-Wheat Cotton-Sugarcane-Ratoon—wheat Kharif Crops-Wheat-late Planted Sugarcane-ratoon-Wheat Sugarcane-Ratoon-Kharif rice- Winter rice.
Components & pattern of assistance (Sugarcane) ComponentUnit cost (Rs.)Implementing agency Demonstration on intercropping,single bud chip Rs.8000 per ha ICAR/SAUs/ KVK/NGOs /Cooperatives /State Dept of Agriculture Assistance for Breeder Seed Production Rs per haSAUs/ ICAR and Sugarcane Research Institute Production of tissue culture raised plantllets Rs. 3.5 per seedlings Sugarcane Institutions, Sugar Factories, NGOs Strengthening / establishment of bio agent and tissue culture laboratory 50% of cost limited to Rs. 75 lakhs per laboratory Sugar factories/ SAU’s/ ICAR/ Sugarcane Research Institute etc. National Level Trainings (25 Participants X 2 days) Rs per training SUGARCANE.docx SUGARCANE.docx IISR, SBI, VSI, UPCSR, etc. State level training (20 Officials X 2 days) Rs per training State Government KVKs/ SAU NGO etc. Contingencies & Electronic Print Media Rs lakh per yearDOSD, Lucknow
Allocation under NFSM-Commercial crops Total allocation : Rs lakh SDA: Rs lakh NE States : Rs Lakh ALLOCATION.docx ALLOCATION.docx Central agencies : Rs Lakh allocationallocation (CA).docx State/Agency will submit AAP by 15 th March to CDDs FORMAT.docx FORMAT.docx