What’s going on at Glasscock Elementary School? STLP Project Team wins STATE!
Academic Team wins District Governor’s Cup 1 st Place Quick Recall & 1 st Place Future Problem Solving Sponsors: Mrs. Karen O’Daniel & Mrs. Kelly Rawlings
Artist in Residence April Focus: Storytelling in grade 3 Faculty sponsors: Sarah Martin & Joanna Wright The “great 3- headed storyteller”
Earth Day April 22, 2013 Ms. Brook & Mrs. Lou Lou’s class planted flowers.
Student Showcase 2013 “Peace, Love, Proficiency”
We were named a “Fit Friendly Worksite.”
Dr. Seuss’ Birthday/ Read Across America Guest Readers Arts & Crafts Graphing Readers Theatre
Fishing for Words
Book Clubs for grades 3, 4, 5 In partnership with the Marion Co. Public Library
5 th grade Newspaper Team
School Improvement Plan Update IMPLEMENTED: Literacy training for all staff Assessment & Rigor training for certified staff Sharing of reading strategies Standards-based grading in Math Parent Night for grades 3, 4, 5 Lesson plan upgrades Guided literacy groups
IMPLEMENTED (CONT.): Longer reading passages & timed tests Reading logs Vocabulary & comprehension work Effectiveness survey Book study (grades 4 & 5) on classroom expectations More math application problems Upgraded technology Adding lexile levels to books Tracking student reading lexiles using SRI
STILL TO BE IMPLEMENTED: Review of Understanding Poverty concepts Additional training related to reading and math standards (PD planned for June) Standards-based Reading New Reading materials based on new standards Work on student motivation Summer JumpStart program Book study for teachers in grades K-3
Grade 1 Thinklink Reading 80.8 % Prof & DistMath 87.7% Prof & Dist
Grade 2 Thinklink Reading 75.8% Prof & DistMath 80.7% Prof & Dist
Grade 3 Thinklink Reading 26.5% P & D 60.3% Math 38.8% P &D 51.6%
Grade 4 Thinklink Reading 31.7% P & D 40.4%Math 15.9% P & D 43.8%
Gr 4 Science & Gr 5 Soc. St. Science 59.7% P & D, 10% Nov Soc. St. 49% P & D, 15% Nov
Grade 5 Thinklink Reading 20.7% P & D 50.9%Math 20.7% P & D 39.7%
A TEAM OF TEACHERS COLLABORATED AND DISCUSSED THE DOCUMENT IN PLC MEETINGS. Glasscock Elementary School was selected to complete a Primary Program Review for the school year.
Strengths in Primary Program Review Collaboration among teachers on their team or grade levels. Students have access to and use a variety of equipment and materials. RtI decision -making protocol has been established and is used to make decisions. Aligned curriculum Teachers embed multiple and developmentally -appropriate assessments to monitor progress and guide instruction. Teachers participate in job-embedded professional development. K-3 teachers regularly collaborate with stakeholders (Mock election, artist in residence, Government Day, Health Department classes, Extension Office, etc)
Areas for Growth Learning targets are connected to intended standards. Instructional strategies vary throughout the school. Teachers provide primarily evaluative feedback. Communication with parents about the K- 3 program.
Strategies to turn Areas of Growth to Strengths Improving communication with learning targets (posted targets outside classrooms and inside classrooms, addressed to the students at the beginning and end of lesson, written in child-friendly language)—KASC (KY Association of School Councils) suggestions and tips, Instructional strategies vary throughout the school— common lesson planning template, PLCs, acknowledgement of student led, teacher led instructional strategies. Teachers provide effective feedback to students—KASC suggestions and tips, collaboration amongst teachers Communication with parents about the K-3 program— Planning to update policy, handbook, all grade levels held parent nights explaining their program and standards based grading model.
Stop by any time and check us out!