Kim Cornelissen Regional and International Development Consultant Bebop et cie
The car industry’s global situation Major world challenges «peak» oil and climate changes An explosion of «green» solutions Presure on more sustainable mobility Demanding and well-informed customers A food crisis linked with energy questions
The car industry is in crisis Saturated markets and new markets Non-flexible production and marketing structures Stricter demands from customers/governments 2500 $ cars Innovation: A major element in competitiveness Hard to achieve (platforms, risk management) Major differences between needs and final products Importance of the life cycle analysis
Life cycle analysis Well-to-wheel approach Multi-sector approach Public-private responsibility Individual and NGO’S watch on companies’s behavior and ‘green’ claims Integration of the 3R-V: reduce, re-use, recycle, find new uses
3 categories of impact (energy production) Negative (extraction of production needed to produce energy) Neutre (captures the available energy) Positive (diminishes energy production) Petrol and oil Natural gaz Agrofuels Coal Nuclear Wind Solar Geothermy Tides Waste Lower consumption Negawatts Energy sharing
Nb km pour mêmes émissions CO 2
Low-consumption hybrid High-consumption hybrid «Plug-in made in Québec»«Plug-in» and motorwheels(concept) Examples of electric propulsion cars
Hybrids and «plug-in» Hybrid technology now common but risks of greenwashing Plug-in/motorwheel mostly at the R&D level Restricted uses (i.e.: maximum speed: 40 km Zenn ) Many sources for electric production Hydro-electricity Coal Nuclear
Multi-propulsion (concept) Biogaz and natural gas (100 %) Petrol 15% /ethanol 85 % Low petrol consumption Examples of fuel propulsion cars
Ethanol Confusion between biofuels/agrofuels Major land use conflicts with agrofuels Subsidies create market distortion (Canada/É-U): mandatory 5 % and 10 % (Canada/Québec) Cellulose ethanol (farm/forest waste) Mandatory labelling (energy source, country, environment,human rights) Importance of life cycle analysis
Biogas Multiple environmental solution Multiple uses: heating, electricity and transport Double replacement of petrol (green gas) Need of more expertise to capture and purify Need of many different kinds of infrastructures(bioreactors/fuelling stations, special gas tanks in cars- bi-fuel) Biofuel market threathened by the ethanol market (less infrastructures)
CO 2 Emissions Source: Natural Resources Canada 2006 Gröna Bilister (Volvo bi-fuel)
Petrol consumption Source: Natural Resources Canada 2006 Gröna Bilister (Volvo bi-fuel) City Highway
Swedish law on ecocars 50 % increase in sales in 2007 Includes many vehicle types competing for the same markets Based on CO 2 ‘tailpipe’ emission and not well-to-wheel analysis No concern for sustainable development Local economy and innovative energy markets Public-private partnership, rural/urban Human rights (sugarcane from Brazil, Sénégal, etc.) Parking and toll problems Bi-fuel market still growing even with the replacement of Volvo ‘bi-fuel’ by ethanol Flexifuel
The situation in Québec Energy production is exported Damaged road infrastructures No car production No ecocar law Natural gas infrastructures (mostly Gaz Métro) Need of a global vision
Public solutions Support local production for multi-uses energy: Electricity Biogas Label energy sources Develop multi-choice transportation based on confort: Cost of petrol, toll and parking management Car sharing/public transport/multi-modal links Rethink the notion that highway are investissements and public transport are spendings
Private solutions (car industry) Lobby for higher safety and environmental norms (world- level) Analyze and work on elements that hinder innovation Use lighter material and tires Rethink dealers’ profits methodology Promote the enterprise and not only the products Get involved in communities and in sustainable mobility projects
Individual solutions (Low consumption, negawatts and sharing) Buy smaller but safe cars Rather than own a car, use car-sharing such as CommunAuto Find out about the fun of eco-driving and eco-maintenance Manage efficiently your needs of transport Transport: a question of comfort!
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