Subject : “N. S. C. Recommendations On Contract Mining and It’s Implementation” Now in present days, there is a scenario of contract mining. No doubt, outsourcing may be cheaper than departmental work or easy to achieve the production target and financial growth, but it is seen that contractor neglects to fullfill necessary requirements for mining work as per the Mines act,rules, regulations, like as provide welfare amenities to their workers, maintain safety in mines, awareness of environment, participation of public works and so as
First of all I am going to tell you some points regarding fixation of conditions for deployment of contractor workers in mines (a)You all know that, The Nomination of owner by contractor before start his work must be required, and Contractor Nominate himself as owner also, and he is responsible to implement all rules, regulations,act, by-laws in mining work or activities concerned with the mining work. (b)Provisions of Laws: Contractor will follow the provisions of laws strictly :-some points are hours of work Weekly day of rest Deployment of adult Maintenance of statutory registers
Vocational training Every persons deployed in mines will be given compulsory training not only as per the VT rules but following points should be included in the training module and these are (a)Awareness of environment (b) QEHS policies, (c) Impact –Aspects, HIRA, etc. After completion of training and medical examinations and the person if found fit for work in mine, he shall be awarded a VT/Identity card signed by Mines Manager or Agent, with his photo, address, date of joining and due date of VT and IME/PME should be mentioned on it, and nobody should found in mine without this VT/Identity card. Vocational training Every persons deployed in mines will be given compulsory training not only as per the VT rules but following points should be included in the training module and these are (a)Awareness of environment (b) QEHS policies, (c) Impact –Aspects, HIRA, etc. After completion of training and medical examinations and the person if found fit for work in mine, he shall be awarded a VT/Identity card signed by Mines Manager or Agent, with his photo, address, date of joining and due date of VT and IME/PME should be mentioned on it, and nobody should found in mine without this VT/Identity card.
Increasing Effectiveness of workers participation in safety management All private mechanized mines and mines using HEMM for exploitation of minerals, where 100 (hundred) or more number of workers are employed, should appoint workmen's Inspectors. In large mines section /departmental safety committees under the main safety committee may be constituted for specific area of operation. All private mechanized mines and mines using HEMM for exploitation of minerals, where 100 (hundred) or more number of workers are employed, should appoint workmen's Inspectors. In large mines section /departmental safety committees under the main safety committee may be constituted for specific area of operation.
Contractors responsibility Prepare written safe operating procedure(SOP) for the work to be carried out, including an assessment of risk, wherever possible and safe methods to deal with it. Provide a copy of the SOP to the person designated by the mine owner who shall be supervising the contractors work. Keep an up to date SOP and provide a copy of changes to a person designated by the mine owner. Prepare written safe operating procedure(SOP) for the work to be carried out, including an assessment of risk, wherever possible and safe methods to deal with it. Provide a copy of the SOP to the person designated by the mine owner who shall be supervising the contractors work. Keep an up to date SOP and provide a copy of changes to a person designated by the mine owner.
Ensure that all work are carried out in accordance with the statute and SOP and for the purpose he may deploy adequate qualified and competent personnel for the purpose of carrying out the job in a safe manner. For work of a specified scope /nature, develop and provide to the mine owner a site specific code of practice. Ensure that all sub contractors hired by him comply with the same requirement as the contractor himself and shall be liable for ensuring compliance all safety laws by the sub or sub-sub contractors.
All persons deployed by the contractor for working in a mine must undergo vocational training, IME/PME. They should be issued cards stating the name of contractor and work and its validity period, indicating status of VT & IME/PME. Every person deployed by the contractor in a mine must wear safety gadgets to be provided by the contractor. If contractor is unable to provide, owner/agent/manager of the mine shall provide the same. Contractor must deploy experienced and qualified supervisors to look after mining works.
The contractor shall send returns to DGMS indicating- Name of his firm, Registration number, Name and address of person heading the firm, Nature of work type of deployment of work persons, number of the work persons deployed, how many work persons hold VT certificate, how many work persons undergone IME/PME and type of medical coverage given to the work persons. The return shall be submitted quarterly ( by 10 th of April, July October, & January) for contracts of more than one year. However, for contracts of less than one year, returns shall be submitted monthly.
Employee's responsibilities An employee must, while at work, take reasonable care for the health and safety of people, who are at the employees place of work and who maybe affected by the employees act or omissions at work. An employee must, while at work, co operate with his or her employer or other person, so far as, is necessary to enable compliance with any requirement under the Act or the regulations that is imposed in the interest of health, safety and welfare of the employee or any other person.
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE IN MINING INDUSTRY All chest radiographs of Initial and Periodical Medical Examinations in private mines shall be classified for detection, diagnosis and documentation of pneumoconiosis in accordance with ILO classification for pneumoconiosis. The PME Medical officer in every PME centre of private mines shall be trained in occupational health and use of ILO classification for pneumoconiosis. Each mining company operating mechanized mines shall set up an occupational diseases board consisting of one occupational health physician, one radiologist and one general physician.
Occupational health surveillance and notified diseases Noise mapping should be made mandatory of various work places in the mine premises based on the various machines being used in concerned mines along with personal noise dosimetery of individual workmen exposed to noise level above 85 dbA. Physical Test Of Machineries : Vibration studies of various mining machinery required to be done before their introduction in mining operations as per ISO standards. Ergonomically assessment of all latest machines, before their introduction into mining operation as per ILO standards. Ergonomical assessment should include ;
a) Assessment of work process. b) Assessment of working Aids/tools c) Assessment of working posture d) As my opinion all machines and dumpers deployed in mines should be equipped with Air-Condition. e) All machines & dumpers are provided effective fire extinguishers in ok conditions and the practice of washing of machines specially engaged in lignite loading should be done regularly to avoid any incident of fire. Potability tests of drinking water supplied to the mine employees to be made mandatory once in a year irrespective of its source preferably after rainy seasons, the sample of water should be collected from the points of consumption. Initial medical examination shall be made mandatory for all mining employees whether permanent, temporary or contractual, before they are engaged in any mining job.
The frequency of periodic medical examinations should be brought down from existing, five years to three years for the mining employees above 45 years of age. Standards of medical examinations for both initial and periodic should be modified as mentioned below in order to ensure early diagnosis of more diseases caused or get aggravated due to employment in mines. In addition to measurement of blood pressure, detailed cardiovascular assessment of employees should be done. This should include 12 leads electrocardiogram and complete lipid profile.
Detailed neurological examinations including testing of all major superficial and deep reflexes and assessment of peripheral circulation of diagnose vibration syndromes. In addition to routine urine, fasting and post parandial blood sugar should be included for early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Serum urea and cretanine should be included for assessment of renal function. Hematological tests like total count, differential count, percentage of hemoglobin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate should be included to diagnose blood dyscrasias.
Special tests should included in the PME for employees exposed to specific health hazard Employees engaged in driving/ HEM operation jobs should undergo eye refraction test at least once in a year. Employees exposed to ionizing radiation should undergo blood count at least once in a year.
Safety Management system strategies for implementation and path forward. Every mine should employ a sound risk analysis process, should conduct a risk assessment, and should develop a safety management plan to address the significant hazards identified by the analysis/assessment. The managements of every mining company; should adopt the process of safety management system and commit it self for proper formulation and implementation of the same in totality. Necessary resources should be allocated for implementation of the control measures identified by the risk assessment process. Necessary training of all employees of mining companies should be organized with the help of experts, both national and international for optimal adoption of the safety management system.
CONCLUSION: In the present scenario outsourcing can not be avoided hence the concern of mining industry should be of implementation of proper safety management system with engagement of contractor worker. In the present global competition outsourcing in mining industry, has become inevitable. It is required not only to control and reduce operative cost but also to have access to world class capabilities of the companies chosen for outsourcing.