7-1 Lunch Procedures
When to get lunches from home Think Ahead! Get your lunch out of your locker the last locker break before 4 th period. You will NOT be allowed to go to your locker when it’s lunchtime.
Lining Up Line up in your assigned order in a single file line along the bookcase when I instruct you to do so. DO NOT TALK! DO NOT leave the room until I instruct you to do so.
Walking through the halls Walk through the halls SILENTLY to and from the lunchroom. This means no talking, laughing, or making noises of any kind. Stop at all corners until I have instructed you to move on.
Buying Lunch Enter the appropriate lunch line and order quickly and quietly. There should be no more than 5 students at a time in front of the serving area. Enter your lunch number quickly and accurately. Make sure you know your lunch number…it is the last 6 digits of your student ID number.
Lunch Table Once seated in your assigned seat, you may quietly talk to those students sitting around you at the table. You may NOT turn around and talk to students at other tables or students walking by. If you make a mess, please clean it up. DO NOT beat on the tables or trays.
Silent Lunch Table Fill in all available seats nearest to the teachers. DO NOT TALK, MAKE NOISES, OR LAUGH!!!! It is SILENT lunch. You are to only eat lunch. Reading, writing, or studying will not be allowed. Serve silent lunch the entire lunch period. You are not dismissed until your class is.
Using the Restroom If you need to use the restroom during lunch, you must get a pass from Mr. Strong or another administrator. If you cannot find an administrator, ask Mrs. Minnis-Arnold for permission. DO NOT just get up and leave!
Lunch Dismissal I will dismiss the lunch table one side at a time. Stay in line and move quickly. Gather up all of your trash and discard it in the trashcan at the end of the table. Place your silverware in the designated trays at the end of the table. Take your trays to the tray drop-off area and line up in your assigned order at the appropriate door.
After Lunch Walk back to the classroom SILENTLY as previously discussed. When you return to the classroom, lunch is over and we will return to our classroom procedures. Failure to follow lunchroom procedures will result in discipline consequences.