Administration & Finance November 18, 2014 Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project Update (UCRR)
Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project (UCRR) Utilities –Move all campus utilities out of substructure (domestic water, sanitary wastewater, chilled water, heating hot water, natural gas, conduits for electricity, telecommunications and data) –17 miles of new piping and ductbanks –Supports future buildings and creates redundancy to utility services to campus New roadway and pedestrian system –Will improve overall traffic circulation and pedestrian connections –Two-way roadway system with11 foot traffic lanes –Two 5 foot bike lanes –Two 8 foot tree lawns –Two 8 foot sidewalks Project Timeline – 3 years
Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project (UCRR) At a critical juncture with UCRR construction, soon to begin two-way traffic and close University Drive South and the McCormack Dock Disruption of our campus life. Construction Impacts Planning group - weekly meeting: –Members of departments across the campus deliberate and anticipate impacts and identify steps to lessen impacts. We will work hard to keep the communication going.
Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project (UCRR) Construction Activities week of November 3, 2014 Guard house was demolished. Area being repaved. Enabling work for transition to two-way traffic on Bianculli Boulevard. Work involved lane shifts and fewer traffic lanes at Morrissey entrance to campus. Quinn roadway: Closed to traffic/drop offs effective Tuesday, November 4 th ; Will not reopen to general traffic; Roadway will be open for authorized/emergency vehicles; Drop-offs will be redirected to Beacons Lighthouse rotary near Lower Level of Clark Athletic Center; The Clark Athletic Center lower level entrance is handicapped accessible.
Parking and Transportation Update
Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project (UCRR) Construction Activities for week of November 3, 2014 Inside Campus Buildings: Substructure work connecting the utility corridor pipes to the buildings; Some work will involve drilling, which will create noise at certain times. Campus Center: A portion of Campus Center Lawn closed for creation of temporary roadway that will cross through the lawn; Shuttle buses continue to drop off at the Campus Center;
Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project (UCRR) TREES Tree Inventory conducted in 2012 by Bartlett Tree Experts. Project Scope identified and tagged a total of 576 trees of 41 species trees that are in the work zone. Approximately 200 trees to be removed to allow for construction activities – installation of utility pipes two new 11’ roadways two 8’ sidewalks two 5’ bike lanes two 8’ tree lawns Most trees including an allée of Linden trees have been preserved, several to be transplanted. Several trees earmarked for removal are dead. Tree removal in three phases: Phase 1: Complete Phase 2: 11/24 – around Archives and Columbia Point Road Phase 3: 11/28 – around walkway to Harborwalk across Mt. Vernon from T-gate At the conclusion of the UCRR project, more than 600 trees will be planted.
UMB 2012 Tree Inventory
Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation Project (UCRR) Construction Activities 11/10 – 12/1 Week of 11/10: Enabling work continued for transition to two-way traffic on Bianculli Blvd, Campus Center Circle, Northeast corner of the Archives, Along Udrive West (ISC parking area and squaring off of ramp). Brushstrokes sculpture removed for refurbishment; Inside Campus Buildings: Substructure work connecting the utility corridor pipes to the buildings; Core drilling for fire alarm lines in Quinn and Service and Supply; Some work involved drilling, which will create noise at certain times; Week of 11/17: Continue work on temporary roadway across the Campus Center lawn, corner of Archives, UDrive West Enabling work continues for transition to two-way on Bianculli; paint double yellow line, install channelizer posts Campus Center sign to be removed and placed in storage Inside Campus Buildings: Substructure work connecting the utility corridor pipes to the buildings; Core drilling for fire alarm lines in Quinn and Service and Supply; Some work will involve drilling, which will create noise at certain times. Remove Hubway station for winter. Week of 11/24: Phase 2 of tree removal (around Archives and Columbia Point Road) Week of 12/1: Phase 3 of tree removal (around walkway to Harborwalk, Mt. Vernon Street from the T-gate).
Parking and Transportation Parking: 1,053 spaces on campus Additional 1,300 at Bayside Lot Working with neighbors to use satellite lots as needed Shuttle Service: Route 1: 10 shuttles running continuously 2 stops: JFK/UMass MBTA and Campus Center Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. (last bus leaves Campus Center) Route 2: 1 shuttle running continuously 6 stops: JFK/UMass MBTA, Campus Center, Archives, JFK Library, Clark Athletic Center, Early Learning Center. Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Route 3 : 6 shuttles running continuously 4 stops: Bayside, Lot C, Campus Center and Clark Athletic Center Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. (last bus leaves Campus Center) Stops may change as construction activities change campus configuration. GPS – new contract pending
Parking and Transportation Safety and Security: Two officers assigned to Bayside when lot is open for business; Monday- Friday One officer 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. One officer 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. Regular patrols during each shift, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week If requested, public safety will provide escort service, call
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