Effective trade-logistic system is the basis of growth and development of Kazakhstan economy. For effective use of geopolitical potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan it is necessary to create transport-logistiс system integrated into international transport-logistic supply chain, able to offer qualitative added value cost service. …Kazakhstan must become the part of the world transport-communication system, that will need lead development of the whole transport infrastructure system of the country. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev
Creation of trade- logistic centre in South- Kazakhstran oblast Applicants:South-Kazakhstan oblast Akimate, JSC «National company «Social- entrepreneurial corporation «Ontustik», Ltd «RIC-regional investment center «Маximum» Realisation period: 2010 – 2014 Place of realisation: South-Kazakhstan oblast, Shymkent city, airport area Total cost of the project : 40,35 billion tenge, including: -7,2 billion tenge(20%)- budgetary funds; -33,15 billion tenge (80%) – attracted funds.
On the territory of the oblast passes through international transport corridor “West Europe-West China” and South corridor Transasian railways; There are main airways connecting European countries with countries of South-East Asia. Special Economic Zone “Ontustik” for development of textile cluster is situated in Shymkent, that will allow to solve effectively logistic tasks of companies included into SEZ; Availability of international carrier of transport-logistic company “Agroholding “Ontustik”” Ltd which has 52 units of trucks including 30 heavy haulers with refrigerators of “DAF” company; High concentration of production capacities and human resources in the region; Climate peculiarities of South-Kazakhstan oblast, which allow to raise many fruits and vegetables; An opportunity to form return freight for European cargo carriers with goods meeting requirements of EU. Advantages of establishing trade-logistic centre in Shymkent
Aims and tasks of trade-logistic center being created in Shymkent city Support of international trade and assistance to goods movement through international corridors by means of modernization logistic opportunities, interaction of networks and multimodal (combined) transport; Growth of export, increase in effectiveness of agroindustrial complex and provision of food safety of the state; Creation of modern transport-logistic structure integrated into international transport-logistic system of goods movement and services; Effective use of transit potential, favorable geopolitical situation of the country and advantages of availability of international directions of highways, railways, air corridors; Provision of EU requirements to goods, agricultural products of RK to provide European cargo transporters with return load.
Trade-logistic centre in South-Kazakhstan oblast in Kazakhstan transport system on the direction of international transit corridor “West China-West Europa” Шымк ент
The southern corridor Transasian railways main lines. Is laid through the territories: South-East Europe- China and South-East Asia through Turkey, Iran, Central Asian countries and Kazakhstan. Its Kazakhstan part comprises the route: Dopstyk-Aktogai-Almaty-Shu-Arys- Saryagash. ТRACEKA. Transport corridor is laid through the territory : East Europa-Central Asia through the Black sea, the Caucasus and Caspian sea. Its Kazakhstan part comprises the route: Dostyk- Almaty-Aktau. Central corridor of Transasian railways main lines. Central corridor has a big significance for regional transit freight traffic. Its Kazakhstan part comprises the route: Saryagash-Arys-Kandagach- Ozinki.. Three out of five international railways corridors are laid on the territory of the South- Kazakhstan obvlast
The Republic of Kazakhstan – Shymkent city; The Kyrgyz Republic – Osh city; The Republic of Tadzhikistan – Nizhniy Pjandzh; The Republic of Uzbekistan- Navoi city; The Republic of Turkmenistan- Turkmenbashi city. The designed TLC will be included into international network\ junctions of logistic centers in Central Adia (the project TRACEKA): no
The project presupposes reconstruction of approach to Shymkent city on existing road 2231 km – 2260 km near TLC being built in airport area.. Transit of the corridor “East Europa-East China” being built on the territory of the South-Kazakhstan oblast
Trade-logistic centre location in Shymkent city аэропорт г.Шымкент жел./дорога а/д «Шымкент-Самара»
The part for building TLC is situated to the west of Shymkent city and comprises 72 hectares (underlined with red colour); Very favorable situation of the section for construction of TLC is characterized by availability of all types of trunk lines. -airport -on straight direction is about 3 km; -railways – it is necessary to continue branch line about 4 km; -automobile highway (Shymkent-Samara) is situated on straight direction about 4 km. Ailability of Situation of trade-logistic centre in Shymkent city
Situation scheme of building placement
The structure of trade-logistic centre in Shymkent city Logistic centre Transport serviceCustoms serviceLaboratory Certification Information- marketing centre Local net, server, internet Equipment Package of production Processing of production Аutomatization, storage equipment Weighhouse Building and constructions WarehousesHangars Refrigerating premises DirectorateOffice premisesHotels Cafes and other necessary personal services Trade area Exhibition halls Broker and juridical service Wholesale Platform for trade from wheels Retail sale Local railways Railway branch lines Autoroads including trunk lines Automobile parking Recreation of the territory
Stages of investment project financing
Stages of building TLC in Shymkent І stage: гг.ІІ stage: гг. Approach of communication and engineering networks; Pavilion for meat and fish sale; Administration building; Pavilion for wholesale and retail sale; Office building ; Fruits and vegetables sale pavilion ; Hotel for 60 places ; Pavilion for trading from platforms ; Laboratory; Garages and service zone; Logistic centre; Boiler; Conference-room, restaurant; Pumping plant; Customs building; Pond evaporator ; Customs laboratory; Filling station. Terminal for storage of fruits and vegetables; Meat and fish storage terminal; Container platform.
Capacity and economic effectiveness of the project “Building trade-logistic center ” indicators Enterprise capacity (throughput capacity a year ) in natural value: Fruits and vegetables tons Meat and fish tons Cost of commodities: Fruits and vegetables96 milion tenge Meat and fish370 million tenge Total number of created workplaces980 Capitalized payback period14,6 years Net reduced value9 217 million tenge Investment profitability index1,3 Internal norm of profitability13,6%
Trade-logistic center in Shymkent city and roadside service on the way of the built corridor “East Europe-East China” Building of TLC in Shymkent city and use of TLC objects in system of roadside service has a number of advantages: Favorable location of TLC near corridor being built; Availability of objects for organization of continuous relaxation, a guarded parking for trucks, a shop, a café, a service-technical servicing, automobile filling stations etc. Rendering complex services: loading- unloading work, supply and sorting, recalibration in accordance with adopted international standards, goods weighting, customs paper preparation, laboratory services and so on.; Absence of competition and weak development of available roadside service; Increase in the number of foreign drivers, cargos and passangers due to introduction to exploitation transport corridor; Big distances between human settlements in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scheme of trade-logistic centre functioning in Shymkent city