Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) AGENDA 1) Coordinator’s presentation on the draft of Action plan (time-schedule) 2) Ludwigsfelde presentation 3) Kaunas city presentation 4) Council of Hame presentation 5) Discussion on the task of partners during the planning period 6) Remarks of Project Manager 7) Conclusions
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Rail Baltica Growth Corridor Project Meeting Working package 6 25 November, 2011 VILNIUS Presentation by Mr. Albertas Arūna VGTU CCITL Project Manager
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) List of WP-6 partners having the budget line „External service” 1.City of Helsinki 2.Ludwigsfelde municipality 3.Latvian TDEA 4.Kaunas City municipality 5.City of Poznan 6.City of Lodz 7.VGTU CCITL
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) List of Partners in Wp-6 1) City of Helsinki 6) Regional Council of Hame 9) Regional Planning Board Havelland- flaming Ludwigsfelde municipality 12) Latvian TDEA 14) Kaunas City Municipal Administration 15) City of Warsaw 16) City of Poznan 17) City of Lodz 20) City of Bialystok 21) Marshal’s Office of the Lodz Vaivodship 13) VGTU CCITL - Vilnius WP-6 budget PersonnelExternal XX X — XX XX XX X — XX XX X — X — XX Budget: €
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 1.Workpackage 6 Name: Logistics Pilot co-operability of Logistics Centres Partners: Coordinating 13, participating 1,6,9,12,14,15,16,17,20,21 The aim of WP-6 is to define common interoperability between existing logistics centers and intermodal terminals. WP-6 aims: - to harmonize services of logistics centres in the Rail Baltica region; - to create new service product for global freight flows; - to create stakeholder-partnership model in the context of logistics centres.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 2. Who will be involved? 1.The stakeholders partnership is built between all critical actors from public and private sectors. 3. What output? 1.Improved interoperability of logistics centres and intermodal terminals in the RBGC will create potential for desing of new products within the Region. 2. Based on the harmonized network of LC (IT), joint branding and promotion activities are implemented to related markets in Asia and Europe.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 4. Main activities in the WP-6 1. Pilot planning. 2. Creation of stakeholders partnership for development of service product. 3. Interoperability threshold and development of promotion concept. 4. Joint branding and promotion campaign.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 5. Results of activities 6.1 (01/ /2012) 1. Pilot Expert team, consisting of the participating Partners, Pilot personnel and external experts. 2. Selected Logistics centres operate as pilot platforms for the WP-6 activities. 3. Pilot logistics centres and intermodal terminals are selected in each Rail Baltica country using WP-4 results and expertise of the Pilot Expert team.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 6. Results of the activity 6.2 (01/ /2012) 1. Model of the stakeholders partnership by collecting authorities and sector-specific stakeholders from private sector to plan and create a new common service model (what model?) 2. At least one service product that can be jointly promoted to the related markets (what service product?) 3. The model of partnership can be adapted by the other logistics centres of the Region (or vice versa?)
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 7. What background to be used? 1. Basic interoperability requirements between RBGC LC and IT will be used by Pilots as a tool to build cooperation and a joint operating concept. 2. Transnational view in the analysis brings specialization of the communication and interaction of the LC in the Rail Baltica Region.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 8. What is the new service product? 1. Functional logistics centre network for the global freight flows between Asia and Europe. 2. Linking with the major transport hubs of Europe (Warsaw, Berlin), the interoperability of LC becomes the major prerequisite for the competitiveness of the route.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 9. Results of the activity 6.3 (03/ /2012) 1. Definition of an interoperability threshold for LC and IT of the Region (minimal requirements). 2. Analysis of the development needs for critical logistics and service infrastructure is completed. 3. The influence of the public decision-working on these critical investments is evaluated. 4. The status of the logistics centres along Rail Baltica is outlined.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 10. Who will benefit from the results? 1.The transport and logistics service providers. 2. Business and their customers in the Region. 3. State institutions can utilize the results for improvement of their own activities.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 11.Results of the activity 6.4 (09/ /2013) 1.Joint participation at logistics fairs (Munich, China) 2. Specific dissemination releases will be published (short film, etc.) 3. Promotion of Rail Baltica as integrated distribution hub in the BSR.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
Proposals for the discussion 1.Understanding of the content of partners participation. 2.Obligations of the partners personnel in the WP-6. 3.External service demand. 4.Experts team in the WP-6.