May 14, st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project
May 14, 2015 City of Chico Staff Steve Weinberger W-Trans City of Chico Staff and Steve Weinberger W-Trans Presented by:
BACKGROUND 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14,
Over the last decade discussions have taken place between the City of Chico and stakeholders regarding all modes of travel on 2 nd Street corridor. 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, BACKGROUND
2 nd Street & CSUC Gateway The 2 nd Street Corridor supports large volumes of pedestrians, automobiles, busses, and bicycles, but currently has no designated lane for bicycles. 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, BACKGROUND
Level of Service Heavy left turn movements from 2 nd Street on to Main and Broadway cause traffic congestion and level of service deficiencies – a well known issue. 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, BACKGROUND
As a result of the recently developed Transit Center, ongoing discussions of promoting bicycling on 2 nd Street have continued A holistic look at the Downtown area is necessary, which opened the idea for the concept of converting the direction of traffic on 1 st Street and 2 nd Street to one-way traffic, creating a “couplet 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, BACKGROUND
EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14,
2 nd Street 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS Four-lanes (two in each direction) Shared turn-through lanes No on-street bicycle lanes On-street parallel parking Bisects Downtown 9,500 ADT 10,000 ADT
1 st Street 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS Two to Four-lanes (one to two in each direction) Shared turn-through lanes No on-street bicycle lanes On-street parallel parking Underutilized traffic capacity 3,000 ADT
East-West Travel Time CorridorDirectionTravel Time 1 2 nd Street – Orange Street to Flume Street Eastbound165 seconds (18 mph) 2 nd Street – Orange Street to Flume Street Westbound156 seconds (16 mph) 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS Notes: 1.Travel time and average speed includes delay at intersections
Collisions Segment Collisions ( ) Daily Volume Calculated Collision Rate (c/mvm 1 ) Statewide Average Collision Rate 2 (c/mvm) 1 st St from Salem St to 2 nd St 42, nd St from Orange St to Broadway 48, nd St from Broadway to 1 st St 99, st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, Notes: 1.c/mvm = collisions per million vehicle miles Collision Data on California State Highways, California Department of Transportation EXISTING CONDITIONS
Pedestrian Facilities Full sidewalks within the corridor Marked crosswalks at all intersections Many signalized intersections do not have pedestrian signal heads (pedestrians must follow the traffic signal heads) 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS
Pedestrian Enhancements Textured Crosswalk with Bulbouts –2 nd Street/Main Street –2 nd Street/Broadway Pedestrian signal head with walk countdown timer –2 nd Street/Main Street –2 nd Street/Broadway 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS
Bicycle Facilities Currently, most of the corridor does not serve bicyclists well –Parts of Salem Street and 1 st Street are Bicycle Connectors –Bike lanes on Salem Street 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS
Transit Facilities 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, EXISTING CONDITIONS Downtown Transit Center B-Line Routes Served
PROPOSAL 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14,
The City is exploring modifications to the 1 st Street and 2 nd Street corridors with the goal of: – enhancing safety for all travel modes – promoting alternate modes of transportation – providing convenient additional parking – revitalizing the CBD without additional infrastructure improvements – converting to a ‘complete street’ 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL Road Diet Four-lane to three-lane conversion (one lane in each direction with a center turn lane) On-street bicycle lanes in both directions
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL One-Way conversion Reduce to two through lanes On-street bicycle lane(s) Increase parking supply by converting parallel parking to diagonal parking
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL Roundabout Transition one-way to two-way traffic Provides enhanced capacity for east-west traffic Accommodates non-standard intersection alignment Gateway to downtown Increase safety for all modes of travel
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL One-Way conversion Reduce to two through lane(s) (one lane west of Broadway) On-street bicycle lanes Increase parking supply by converting parallel parking to diagonal parking
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL Drop-off Circle Ongoing coordination with CSUC Transition one-way to two-way traffic Allow for northbound U-Turn movement Provide for a gateway entry to CSUC
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL Two-Way conversion One through lane in each direction Increase parking supply by converting parallel parking to diagonal parking Allow for more circulation options
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL Diagonal Parking Increase parking supply by converting parallel parking to diagonal parking
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
Intersection Modifications Roundabout at 2 nd Street/1 st Street/Flume Street –Better accommodates non-standard intersection alignment and one-way conversion point than a signal –Serve as a entry point for Downtown Drop-off Circle at 1 st Street/Salem Street –Serve as a entry monument for CSUC –Allows for the 1 st Street one-way conversion –Allows for northbound U-Turn 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street/2 nd Street/Flume Street 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street/2 nd Street/Flume Street 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, Roundabout Goals & Issues Bicycle Access Driveway Access Movement Restriction Driveway Access Right of Way Necessary Potential for Landscaping or Urban Design elements Diagonal Parking Gateway Monument or Community Art Pedestrian Access OptionsPROPOSAL Diagonal Parking
1 st Street/Salem Street (design pending) 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
1 st Street/Salem Street (design pending) 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, PROPOSAL
POTENTIAL RESULTS 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14,
East-West Travel Time CorridorDirectionExisting Travel Time 1 Proposal Travel Time 1 2 nd Street – Orange Street to Flume Street Eastbound165 seconds (18 mph) 176 seconds (17 mph) (6.7% increase) 2 nd Street – Orange Street to Flume Street (via 1 st Street to Broadway) 2 Westbound156 seconds (16 mph) 165 seconds (17 mph) (5.8% increase) 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS Notes: 1.Travel time and average speed includes delay at intersections 2.Traffic is routed though the one-way couplet resulting in a longer distance traveled
Intersection Levels of Service 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS Balance LOS and volumes along the 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Corridors Maintain acceptable LOS at all signalized intersection Maintain or improve LOS at all unsignalized intersections
Pedestrian Facilities Crossing enhancements –Intersection bulbouts Decreased pedestrian crossing distance Increases pedestrian visibility –Road Diet Fewer lanes to cross (less exposure area) –Intersection improvements Pedestrian push buttons Additional signal walk-time for pedestrian crossing Installation of count-down pedestrian signal heads ADA upgrades 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
Traffic Calming Lane Reduction –Provides for slower, but steady progression of traffic Diagonal Parking –Narrows the street encouraging slower driving Roundabout –Steady flow of traffic at a controlled speed 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
Utilize existing pavement to balance LOS and volumes without additional new infrastructure Reduced conflicts with turning vehicles Will provide space for on-street bicycle lane(s) Allows for replacing some parallel parking with diagonal parking Improved traffic flow 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS One-way Couplet
Road Diet Reduced conflicts with turning vehicles Slower, but steady flow of traffic Shorted pedestrian crossing distance Allows for installation of bicycle lane(s) Generally more comfortable for bicyclists and pedestrians 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
1 st Street/2 nd Street/Flume Street Roundabout Reduced vehicle conflicts Steady flow of traffic at a controlled speed Shorted pedestrian crossing distance Improved transition for two-way to one-way traffic Creates a downtown gateway 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
1 st Street/Salem Street CSUC Drop- off Circle Allows for 1 st Street to be one-way Creates a campus gateway Provides transition between two-way and one-way traffic 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
Diagonal Parking Narrows street and provides traffic calming benefits Goal of increasing parking supply approximately 25% from parallel parking –Offsets loss where parallel parking is removed 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
A “Complete Street” Approach Improve traffic flow issues related to left turn movements from 2 nd Street onto Main Street and Broadway Enhance bicycle circulation on 1 st Street and 2 nd Street with connections to CSUC Increase parking capacity Increase bicycle safety Reduction of conflicts at the intersection of 1 st / 2 nd Street/Flume Street near Camellia Way Bridge Increase pedestrian safety especially at intersection crossings Extension of downtown business potential by increased traffic on West 1st Street 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, POTENTIAL RESULTS
NEXT STEPS 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14,
City Staff is prepared to implement a construction schedule as early as Summer 2010, in order to continue with this goal, City Staff is requesting support from Internal Affairs on the following suggestions: 1 st Street & 2 nd Street One-way Couplet Roundabout at Flume Street/1 st Street/2 nd Street/Camellia Way Bridge Bulbout Pedestrian ramps Diagonal Parking Road Diet along West 2 nd Street from Broadway to UPRR Signal Improvements/Timing Adjustments 1 st Street and 2 nd Street Couplet Traffic Modification Project May 14, NEXT STEPS