2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements California Building Code UL Damper Requirements 2007 vs. 2001 Dynasonics
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Agenda 2007-CBC Big Changes IBC / CBC Brief History UL Damper Requirements (2007-CBC) Smoke Control – Overview of Required Locations Q&A – as we go
International Building Code Development History 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements International Building Code Development History 1994: ICBO, BOCA, & SBCCI form the International Code Council (ICC) to create a single national model building code. 1997: 1st Edition of the International Building Code (IBC) NFPA & ICC Split over consensus process 2003: 3rd Edition of IBC – Widely Adopted 2006: 4th Edition of IBC – Current Edition
IBC Adoption - Nationwide 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements IBC Adoption - Nationwide State or Local Adoption IBC - 47 states + Washington, D.C. IRC - 45 states + Washington, D.C. IFC - 41 states + Washington, D.C.
California Building Code Recent History 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements California Building Code Recent History 1997: Final UBC Cycle (1997-CBC) 2000: Readopted 1997-UBC (2001-CBC) 2003: NFPA-5000 adopted in split vote Never published due to recall of Gov. Davis 2005: Rescinded NFPA-5000 & adopted IBC 2006: 2006-IBC modified to meet California requirements 2007: 2007-CBC Published July 1, 2007 January 1, 2008: 2007-CBC Enforcement Statewide
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements UBC vs. IBC Overview 2001-CBC Progressive Sprinklers + Compartmentalization Balanced & Complementary 2006-IBC Chapter 7 Based on BOCA Extensive Sprinkler Tradeoffs Singular Focus on Sprinklers Height & Area Fire Resistive Construction Smoke Control 2007-CBC* Amended to ~ 2001-CBC Eliminated numerous tradeoffs Sprinklers + Compartmentalization Height & Area Fire Resistive Construction + Smoke Control in High-Rise * CSFM modifications DON’T apply to: Group B, F, M, S, & U, except as required in Section 111.
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Chapter 7 New Layout 2001-CBC Organized by Systems Structural Members Projections Joint Systems ... Protection of Openings 2007-CBC Organized by Barrier Type Fire Walls Fire Barriers Shaft Enclosures Fire Partitions Smoke Barriers ... Ducts & Air Transfer Openings
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements UL Dampers Ratings 2001-CBC Concise – Few Trade-offs 713.10 Smoke Dampers UL-555S Class-2, 250°F (min) 713.11 Fire Dampers UL-555 1-1/2 Hour (Assemblies < 3hr) 3 Hour (Assemblies ≥ 3hr) 710.3 Ceiling Radiation Dampers Not Specified 2007-CBC By Barrier Type – Many Trade-offs 716.3.2 Smoke Dampers UL-555S Class-2, 250°F (min) 716.3.1 Fire Dampers UL-555 1-1/2 Hour (Assemblies < 3hr) 3 Hour (Assemblies ≥ 3hr) 716.6.2.1 Ceiling Radiation Dampers UL-555C
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Fire Walls – 716.5.1 2007 Damper Requirements Walls located on lot lines or that segregate areas into separate buildings. Fire walls run from exterior wall to exterior wall, from foundation to or through the roof, and are self supporting during a fire. All Buildings Fire Dampers Only NO EXCEPTIONS No penetrations are allowed on lot lines. (705.11) One of the few allowable penetrations to fire walls is between an anchoring building and a covered mall. (402.7.3)
Fire Barriers – 716.5.2 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Fire Barriers – 716.5.2 2007 Damper Requirements Shaft enclosures, exit enclosures, exit passageways, horizontal exits, incidental use areas, occupancy separations, and exterior walls CSFM Regulated Buildings Fire & Smoke Dampers Group A, E, H, I, L, & R, High-Rise buildings, & others per Section 111. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Tested per ASTM E119 without fire damper Doesn’t exempt the smoke damper. 2. The fire or smoke damper interferes with 909 smoke control system. Non-CSFM Regulated Buildings Fire Dampers Only Group B, F, M, S, & U, except as required in Section 111. NO SMOKE DAMPERS REQUIRED EXCEPTIONS: 1. Tested per ASTM E119 without fire damper. 2. The fire damper interferes 909 smoke control system. 3. In barriers rated ≤1 hour with minimum 26 ga fully ducted HVAC system in fully sprinklered buildings (other than group H).
Shafts – 716.5.3 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Shafts – 716.5.3 2007 Damper Requirements Extending through one or more stories in a building, connecting vertical openings in successive floors, or floors and roof. All Buildings Fire & Smoke Dampers Fire Damper EXCEPTIONS: 1.1 22 inch subduct with continuous exhaust airflow. 1.2 Tested per ASTM E119 without fire damper. 1.3 The fire damper interferes with 909 smoke control system. 1.4 Parking garage shaft separated by 2-hour rated construction. Smoke Damper EXCEPTIONS: 2. Kitchen, dryer, and bathroom exhaust in fully sprinklered group B or R occupancies with 22” subduct and continuously running fan per 909.11. 3. Parking garage shaft separated by 2-hour rated construction. 4. The smoke damper interferes with 909 mechanical smoke control system.
Fire Partitions – 716.5.4 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Fire Partitions – 716.5.4 2007 Damper Requirements Walls separating dwelling units or tenant spaces in covered malls, corridor walls, elevator lobby separations, and exterior walls. CSFM Regulated Buildings Fire Dampers Only Group A, E, H, I, L, & R, High-Rise buildings, & others per Section 111. NO EXCEPTIONS Non-CSFM Regulated Buildings Fire Dampers Only Group B, F, M, S, & U, except as required in Section 111. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Tenant separations or corridor walls in fully sprinklered buildings with ducts protected as through penetration per Section 712. 2. Tenant partitions in covered malls where walls do not extend to the underside of the floor or roof. 3. 26 ga duct < 100 in2 with no openings to corridor or adjacent rooms, AND The opening is protected with a 12” x 16 ga sleeve with 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 16 ga retaining angles AND The annular space between the wall and sleeve is filled with mineral wool bating on all sides.
Corridors – 716.5.4.1 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Corridors – 716.5.4.1 2007 Damper Requirements Smoke Dampers are required for all fire-resistance rated corridors. Table 1017.1 defines fire-resistance rating by occupancy. All CSFM regulated buildings require 1-hour rated corridors. 707.14.1 Elevator Lobbies Smoke dampers requirements = corridor requirement. CSFM Regulated Buildings Fire & Smoke Dampers Group A, E, H, I, L, & R, High-Rise buildings, & others per Section 111. Fire Damper EXCEPTIONS: See Fire Partitions. Smoke Damper EXCEPTIONS: 1. The smoke damper interferes with 909 mechanical smoke control system. 2. 0.019” thick duct and no openings to corridor serving the corridor. Non-CSFM Regulated Buildings Fire & Smoke Dampers Group B, F, M, S, & U, except as required in Section 111. NO SMOKE DAMPERS IN SPRINKLERED BLDG Same exceptions as SFM Regulated Buildings
Smoke Barriers – 716.5.5 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Smoke Barriers – 716.5.5 2007 Damper Requirements Bisects each floor of an underground building, bisects each patient floor of a hospital, hospital egress & areas of refuge. All Buildings Smoke Dampers EXCEPTION: Openings in steel ducts limited to a single smoke compartment. Note: Fire damper requirements are not clearly spelled out, but it’s a safe bet that they should be included given the 1-hour fire resistance rating of all smoke barriers.
Smoke Partition – 710.7 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Smoke Partition – 710.7 2007 Damper Requirements Smoke partitions are typically not fire-resistance rated and are constructed to limit the transfer of smoke. Locations: Elevator Lobby Alternative (707.14.1) CSFM Regulated Buildings Smoke Dampers Group A, E, H, I, L, & R, High-Rise buildings, & others per Section 111. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The smoke damper interferes with 909 smoke control system. 2. 0.019” thick duct and no openings to corridor serving the corridor. Non-CSFM Regulated Buildings Smoke Dampers Group B, F, M, S, & U, except as required in Section 111. TRANSFER OPENINGS ONLY
Membrane Penetrations – 716.6.2 2007 Damper Requirements 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Membrane Penetrations – 716.6.2 2007 Damper Requirements Ducts and air transfer openings that penetrate the ceiling membrane (NOT the floor or roof) of a fire-resistance rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly shall be protected by either: 1. A shaft enclosure in accordance with Section 707, OR, 2. A ceiling radiation damper installed at the ceiling line. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Tested per ASTM E119 without a ceiling radiation damper. 2. Exhaust ducts are located within the cavity of the wall, are protected per 712.4.1.2, and do NOT pass through another dwelling unit or tenant space. Note: The above applies to ALL BUILDINGS.
Fire Damper Actuating Device 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Fire Damper Actuating Device The fire damper shall close upon actuation one of the following: The operating temperature is ~ 50°F > the normal duct temperature, but not < 160°F. The operating temperature is ≤ 286°F where located in a 909 smoke control system. Combination fire/smoke dampers located in a 909 smoke control system The operating temperature ≤ the UL 555S degradation test temperature and is: ~ 50°F > the maximum smoke control system designed operating temperature, AND ≤ 350°F Note: 1. The above applies to ALL BUILDINGS 2. Option 1 & 2 matches 2001-CBC Section 713.101 NO CHANGE 3. Option 3 is NEW
Fire Damper Actuating Device 350°F Maximum Temperature 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Fire Damper Actuating Device 350°F Maximum Temperature Eliminates Dual Temperature Systems Eliminates Emergency Override @ Damper Simplified Design One Less Circuit to Wire and Program Reduces Cost Damper Closure @ Max Temp Maintains Safety Smoke Detector Override Only in 2007-CBC Fire Damper Override Required in 2001-CBC Dual Temperature Circuit 2001-CBC (T >286°F) Single Temperature Circuit 2007-CBC
Smoke Damper – 716.3.2.1 Actuating Device 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Smoke Damper – 716.3.2.1 Actuating Device The smoke damper shall close upon actuation of a listed smoke detector installed in accordance with 907.10 and one of the following: A duct mounted smoke detector installed within 5 feet of the damper. A spot-type detector where a damper is installed above smoke barrier doors. A spot-type detector installed within 5 feet of an unducted damper. Where a damper is installed in a corridor wall or ceiling, the damper shall be permitted to be controlled by a smoke detection system installed in the corridor. A total-coverage smoke detector system. Note: 1. The above applies to ALL BUILDINGS 2. The above matches 2001-CBC Section 713.10 NO CHANGE
Smoke Control Required Locations 2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Smoke Control Required Locations 2001-CBC 404.3.3 – Covered Malls 403.4 – High-Rise Buildings (B & R-1) 402.2 – Atria 405.3.3.1 – Stages & Platforms 2007-CBC 402.9 – Covered Malls 403.13 – High-Rise Buildings 404.4 – Atriums 405.5 – Underground Buildings 408.8 – Windowless Buildings (I-3) 410.3.7.2 – Stage & Platforms 1025.6.2.1 – Assembly (Means of Egress)
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Summary 2007-CBC Big Changes CAUTION CSFM vs. NON-CSFM Regulated Buildings CSFM Bldg Similar to 2001-CBC NON-CSFM Big Difference New Format Barrier Driven + Detail + Trade-Offs 350°F Single Temp Closure Simple + Cost + Safety
2007-CBC - UL Damper Requirements Thank You for Your Time!