Navigating the Transport Infrastructure Landscape Presentation to: South East Australian Transport Strategy Inc. Friday 15 February 2008 Monash University Gippsland Campus Craig Barrass Manager – Transport & Aviation Infrastructure
National - AusLink State - National Transport Links – Growing Victoria’s Economy Local - Regional Infrastructure Development Fund Questions - Summary:
AusLink National Network
SEATS Membership
Network and Planning The National Land Transport (AusLink) Network is a single integrated network of land transport linkages of strategic national importance, which is funded by Federal, State and Territory Governments. The AusLink Network is based on national and inter-regional transport corridors including connections through urban areas, links to ports and airports, rail, road and intermodal connections that together are of critical importance to national and regional economic growth development and connectivity. The key component of better coordinated planning is a series of corridor strategies that have been prepared for each of the 24 corridors on the AusLink Network.
Corridor Strategies 1.Perth-Adelaide Corridor Strategy 2.Sydney-Melbourne Corridor Strategy 3.Brisbane-Cairns Corridor Strategy 4.Adelaide Urban Corridors Strategy 5.Melbourne Urban Corridor Strategy 6.Melbourne-Adelaide Corridor Strategy 7.Sydney-Wollongong Corridor Strategy 8.Adelaide-Darwin Corridor Strategy 9.Melbourne-Geelong Corridor Strategy 10.Mount Isa-Townsville Corridor Strategy 11.Brisbane-Darwin Corridor Strategy 12.Perth-Bunbury Corridor Strategy 13.Perth-Darwin Corridor Strategy 14.Perth Urban Corridor Strategy 15.Brisbane Urban Corridor Strategy 16.Melbourne-Sale Corridor Strategy 17.Melbourne-Mildura Corridor Strategy 18.Melbourne-Brisbane Corridor Strategy 19.Sydney-Adelaide Corridor Strategy 20.Sydney-Brisbane Corridor Strategy 21.Sydney Urban Corridor Strategy 22.Tasmanian Corridor Strategy 23.Sydney-Dubbo Corridor Strategy
Commonwealth Policy Framework Continuation of AusLink as the planning and delivery model for jointly funded projects. Support for intermodalism, including the development of networks of terminals in each State linked to trading ports and interstate freight corridors. Increasing rail’s share of the freight task on the eastern seaboard. Upgrading capacity and performance of Sydney-Melbourne rail corridor and Sydney-Brisbane rail line. Engagement with States and industry around network priorities to increase supply chain efficiency, export growth and regional development. Creation of a new statutory authority, Infrastructure Australia, to provide advice to priorities across the transport, water, energy and telecommunications sectors.
Victoria’s AusLink 2 Policy Document National Transport Links – Growing Victoria’s Economy Victorian Government’s strategy to upgrade the State’s transport network under AusLink 2 for the future growth and prosperity of Victoria and Australia. The strategy proposes to deliver a significant upgrade of Victoria’s key transport links on our road, rail and port networks between 2009 and Thirty priority projects in regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne, have been identified for partnership with the Commonwealth Government.
Victoria’s AusLink 2 Policy Document These projects will: Address capacity constraints in key transport corridors; Enhance the efficient operation of Victoria’s transport network for industry growth, regional development and export activity; Make our roads safer for truck drivers and Victorian motorists and deliver significant travel time savings; Reduce transport costs; Improve the international competitiveness of Australian industries; Make our rail system more competitive and efficient for freight companies; and Provide faster and enhanced connections to our trading ports for the export of Australian manufactured goods and agricultural products.
Victoria’s Strategic Freight Corridors
Victorian AusLink 2 nominated projects Rail project Road project Intermodal project
A mix of road, rail and intermodal terminal projects. Total value of Commonwealth expenditure will be $2.715 billion. This equates to 18.4 per cent of national transport funding commitments by the new Commonwealth Government. (Coalition commitments totalled 10.9% in Victoria) Approximately $1.9 billion of Commonwealth national network funding remains uncommitted. Intent
Victorian AusLink 2 projects funded by the Commonwealth 1.Western Ring Road upgrade 2.West Gate Bridge Rehabilitation 3.Somerton Intermodal Terminal 4.Altona Intermodal Terminals 5.Dandenong Intermodal Terminal Development 6.Wimmera (Dooen) Intermodal Terminal 7.Shepparton Freight and Logistics Centre 8.Western Highway Duplication – Ballarat – Stawell 9.Western Highway – Stawell – SA border capacity improvements 10.Western Highway – Anthony’s Cutting 11.Melbourne-Adelaide Rail Line upgrade – concrete sleepers/longer passing loops 12.Melbourne-Adelaide Rail Line – Geelong Port connection 13.Geelong Ring Road Stage 4A 14.Geelong Ring Road Stage 4B 15.Princes Highway West: Geelong - Colac duplication (Stage 1 Winchelsea section) 16.Nagambie Bypass 17.Princes Highway East – Traralgon to Sale duplication 18.Calder Highway – Kings Road interchange 19.ARTC projects within Dynon precinct (TBC) 20.Springvale Rd grade separation – Nunawading 21.Clyde Rd upgrade – Berwick 22.West Warrnambool Intermodal Terminal 23.Colac-Lavers Hill Road
AusLink 2 Victorian projects The 23 funded projects are spread across seven of the eight national network corridors in Victoria. Only corridor that did not receive any project funding was Sydney-Adelaide (Mildura Bypass project). For larger projects (Western Ring Road, Western Highway Duplication, Princes Highway West duplication and Princes Highway East duplications) Commonwealth cash flows will run across AusLink 2 ( ) and AusLink 3.
Key Outcomes Increase road/rail capacity on the eastern seaboard. Support private investment in infrastructure, encourage innovation, PPPs and world’s best practice. Develop network of intermodal terminals (regional and metropolitan) at strategic locations. Facilitate regional development (e.g. improved management of the Strategic Regional Program) Infrastructure to support the tourism industry, particularly for new and emerging destinations. Recognise linkages to ports as critical component in land transport funding. Manage urban congestion on the national network and adjoining corridors. Commonwealth support for 30% target rail share of freight to ports. Deliver targets in National Road Safety Strategy Enhance road network for Higher Productivity Freight Vehicles. Promote regulatory Reform – e.g. PBS. Support innovation – e.g. ITS and next-generation train control technology.
Victoria’s AusLink 2 Package highlights $2.2 billion upgrade of Western Ring Road (extra lanes and traffic management technology). $660 million to improve the capacity of the Melbourne-Adelaide corridor between Geelong, Bacchus Marsh and the South Australia border. Duplications of Princes Highway East (Gippsland) & Princes Highway West (South-West Vic). $250 supply chain package – including enhanced network of regional and metropolitan intermodal terminals. Investment in interstate rail corridors and connectivity to trading ports.
Victoria has proposed to contribute approximately 25% of the total cost of the AusLink 2 package, consistent with the negotiating framework endorsed by the Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Roads and Ports in June Funding contributions from the Commonwealth will generally vary between 50% and 80% of total project cost. AusLink Contributions
AusLink Strategic Regional Program $300m in Commonwealth funding Direct grants to councils for projects that support and facilitate economic development across council boundaries. Victorian councils received 14% of SRP funding under AusLink 1. Victorian councils have a strong case for higher levels of funding under AusLink 2 – forecast growth in dairy, timber, resources, horticulture and tourism industries. Victorian Government is working closely with councils and MAV to prioritize projects; and optimize synergy with investment in the arterial transport network by the State.
Victoria’s Intermodal Network
Melbourne’s Intermodal Network
The final scope of works for metropolitan intermodal projects will be guided, in part, by the Victorian Freight Network Strategy (2008) and the Eddington East-West Needs Assessment (2008). Proposed regional intermodal terminals at Geelong, Shepparton, Wodonga and Gippsland subject to ongoing feasibility studies or EOI processes. The scope and design of the Wimmera Terminal at Dooen is well- advanced with a high degree of stakeholder support, including from regional councils and the grain industry. Victorian Government is in discussions with all key stakeholders regarding continuation of freight rail services on the intrastate freight network. Policy Framework
Regional Development Victoria Objective: To ensure the sustained economic growth and industry development of regional Victoria. Strategies: 1.Develop and facilitate investment in rural and regional Victoria in industry sectors managed by RDV; 2.Provide assistance to infrastructure projects that contribute to economic growth; 3.Facilitate sustainable business development through the provision of information, programs and advice; 4.Facilitate rural and regional community building and engagement with rural and regional communities; 5.Encourage regional population growth.
Regional Development Victoria Infrastructure Chief Executive Executive Director – Industry Investment Secretary DIIRD Regional Development Advisory committee Executive Director – Delivery Executive Director – Infrastructure Executive Director – Promotion & Development Executive Support & Coordination Minister for Regional & Rural Development Energy Transport & Aviation Major Projects – Land Use Major Projects – Arts/Cultural/ Education Water Finance Program Administration & Evaluation
Intermodal Freight Infrastructure Program $20 million is available over four years to facilitate the infrastructure development of Intermodal hubs at strategic locations in regional Victoria. The Program provides contributions towards the capital costs of developing or enhancing intermodal freight facilities in partnership with regional councils, the private sector and the Commonwealth Government. The program aims to improve the performance of the supply chain between regional export industries and ports and to complement developments occurring in the growth of urban intermodal facilities.
$5 million is available, over three years, to assist Local Government Councils improve airfields and aerodromes, thereby supporting continued growth in regional tourism and helping to alleviate the pressures imposed by drought and bushfire. Regional Aviation Fund
RAF Project Eligibility Grants are available for a range of capital projects including: Upgrades or extensions to runways. Creation, upgrades or extensions of taxiways. Levelling and/or strengthening of aprons. Creating or upgrades to aircraft parking areas. Sealing of internal roads. Building or improving passenger terminal facilities. Upgrading or relocating navigational aids and refuelling areas. Providing additional infrastructure such as car parking, Fencing, lighting, drainage or landscaping to a standard suitable for safe and efficient aircraft operations.
Local Roads to Markets Program $5 million is available, over three years, to Local Government Councils to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural and horticultural producers and related industries through the strategic upgrade of local roads for B-double access. The objective is to deliver the better linking of farms to markets and processing centers, particularly in the dairy, timber, grain and fruit/processed foods sectors.
LRM Project Eligibility Grants are available for: 1.Improving a local road to a standard suitable for safe and efficient B-double movements. 2.Improving local road intersections; including the intersection of a local road with an arterial (VicRoads) road. Funding will be provided on a $1: $1 basis. The funds will be allocated on a competitive basis. Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate broad industry and community support, clear and demonstrable regional benefits and road safety improvements.
Local Roads Farm Gate Access Schemes $2 million is available under the: 1.Local Roads Dairy Farm Gate Access Scheme 2.Local Roads to Market Farm Gate Access Scheme These Schemes, administered by VicRoads for RDV, provide grants to dairy farmers and other agricultural and horticultural primary producers, toward the improvement of farm gate access to a standard suitable for safe and efficient B-Double access. Eligible property owners can receive a subsidy of the lesser of $2,000 or 50% of the cost of the works. These Schemes operate in conjunction with RDV’s Local Roads Programs.
Craig Barrass Manager – Transport and Aviation Infrastructure Ph: Questions?