RED BANK CORRIDOR How we got opposing groups to the table to build consensus around the Red Bank Corridor project in Cincinnati.
THE EASTERN CORRIDOR Providing east-west connectivity for the Greater Cincinnati region
EASTERN CORRIDOR PROGRAM Red Bank Corridor Project Oasis Rail Transit Project SR 32 Relocation Project SR 32 Improvements, Eastgate Area Eastern Corridor Program More than 100 local roadway network improvements Expanded bus transit Accommodations for bicyclists, pedestrians
Bank Corridor Project SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIP PROCESS 1. Define working group & process Represent varied interests of community 2. Define the issue(s) to address Current and future state 3. Encourage community to list priorities Review land use vision plans; speak their language 4. Propose & review alternatives Mitigate or negotiate priority issues that can’t be addressed 5. Solicit feedback Go back to the full community to present preferred alternative
Bank Corridor Project WHY IT MATTERS 200 square miles, 19 jurisdictions, 135,000 people, 40 years of transportation issues