Driving Zero Fatalities to a Reality: Partnering for Safety Priscilla Tobias, PE State Safety Engineer, Bureau Chief Illinois Department of Transportation.


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Presentation transcript:

Driving Zero Fatalities to a Reality: Partnering for Safety Priscilla Tobias, PE State Safety Engineer, Bureau Chief Illinois Department of Transportation

ILLINOIS FATALITIES 10 year average: 1450


What to Do?

STRATEGIC HIGHWAY SAFETY PLAN SHSP Total Fatalities Total Serious Injuries Fatalities & Ser. Injury Rate Emphasis Areas State Roadways Local Roadways Urban/Rural Strategies Engineering Enforcement Education EMS

Illinois SHSP

County SHSP Top 35 counties plus those within MPOs State and Local Roadways Aligns with the State SHSP Identify Opportunities for Focus Local Workshops 48.2% 46.3%

County Data Trees

Emphasis Area Heat Map

5% “High Priority Locations” for Safety 5% Locations Weighted for KAB Criterion 1: Locations with 1+ KA and 3+ KAB crashes Criterion 2: Locations with 1+ KA and 2+ KAB crashes Criterion 3: Locations with 1+ KAB crashes 100% local roadway segments were divided into 3 tiers: Tier 1: All locations Criteria 1 & 2 Tier 2: All locations with at least one crash & Criterion 3 Tier 3: All the remaining locations with zero crashes

5% “High Priority Local Roadway Segments”

5% “High Priority Local Roadway Intersections”

Systemwide Improvements  nois.gov/Assets/upl oads/files/Transport ation- System/Manuals- Guides-&- Handbooks/Safety/S ystemic%20Safety% 20Improvements%2 0Analysis,%20Guide lines%20and%20Pr ocedures.pdf nois.gov/Assets/upl oads/files/Transport ation- System/Manuals- Guides-&- Handbooks/Safety/S ystemic%20Safety% 20Improvements%2 0Analysis,%20Guide lines%20and%20Pr ocedures.pdf

Represent Approximately 10% of Severe Crashes Represent Approximately 30% of Roadway Departure Crashes Curves with Safety Improvement Potential

High Priority Pedestrian Safety Corridor D1 had different criteria than D2-9 due to the number of pedestrian fatalities and severe injuries.  For D1 a high priority pedestrian safety corridor was defined as a segment which had at least 3 fatal pedestrian crashes close together  For Districts 2-9, a pedestrian severe injury corridor was defined as a segment which had:  At least 2 fatal crashes close together or  At least 2 A-Injury crashes close together or  At least 1 fatal crash and 1 A-Injury crash close together All fatal and A-Injury crashes in Illinois for

 A total of 161 corridors were analyzed for Districts 1-9  The 161 corridors had a total of 543 severe (K & A-Injury) pedestrian crashes for  125 fatal crashes  418 A-Injury crashes High Priority Pedestrian Safety Corridor

Safety Data Analysis & Tools  Safety Data Portal  Crash Data  Crash Reports  Local 5% Lists  Data Trees  Heat Maps  Look for Common Crash Trends  Determine Future Needs

Strategic Highway Safety Plan

Partnering and Collaboration bring the best ideas and maximize the limited resources for the greatest impact.