Steering committee Synchromodal Transport Synchromodal transport
Why synchromodal transport? Logistics is not efficient: Stake road transport too high Occupancy rate too low Too many relatively small flows Insufficient data exchange Demand for logistics services changes through trends such as: Increase in number of very large container ships; increased call-size Pressure to change current modal split Increasing requirements regarding reliability entire chain Increasing importance of reliable hinterland connections Sustainability and carbon footprint driver for the future Increasing importance of secure supply chains (ISPS, AEO)
What is synchromodal transport? Topteam Logistics: There is such a degree of coordination within and between cargo chains, transport chains and infrastructure chains that, given the aggregated transport demand, the right modalities are used at any given time Or: the continuous synchronisation of customer demand with the current (local) conditions
What is synchromodal transport?
How can this be accomplished? 3x better utilisation: Transport carrier: container, swap body Mode of transport: the modality Transport infrastructure: road, water, rail Conditions: Volume/scale Bundling of cargo Highly frequent, fast, efficient and sustainable connections All modalities per corridor
Challenges, i.a.: Mind shift A-modal booking Liabilities when rapidly changing modality Flexible planning Exchange of information
What is the current situation? Steering committee Synchromodal Transport active in three areas: Concrete projects, including : Syflon Development of synchromodal planning tool Synchromodal Cool Port Control Tower Transportation in Control Services ECT Pilot Rotterdam Moerdijk Tilburg Daily Maersk barge Synchromodal Control Tower Green Barge Fresh Corridor Human capital Education programmes Mind shift June launch website: ‘platform Synchromodality’ Various supporting activities