Thailand’s Export Opportunities : Decision Support Model Approach


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Presentation transcript:

Thailand’s Export Opportunities : Decision Support Model Approach For EIAS Seminar, Brussels Thailand’s Export Opportunities : Decision Support Model Approach Pimchanok Vonkhorporn Minister (Commercial) Head of Office of Commercial Affairs Royal Thai Embassy, Brussels 20 September 2012

DSM Discussion (1) General comments : Practical and simple methodology but requires database to be utilized by public More detailed explanation in the actual paper would enable better understanding Data a bit outdated, leading to slightly ambiguous outcomes Similar to Thailand’s FTA selection but more academically sound Will be useful as general guidelines not only for export promotion but for trade negotiations as well

DSM Discussion (2) Methodology and Outcomes Methodology quite straightforward Products selected after Filters 3.1 and 3.2 should be derivation of “intersection”, not “union” Weighted calculation yields better results Most outcomes are in line with Thailand’s export situation Some results will be helpful in identifying potential markets and products eg. not enough agro-based products But whether some should be promoted or not must be further studied especially products which Thailand has to import raw materials eg. Oil

DSM Discussion (3) Further improvements in the paper Filters : some are not clearly explained eg. Market penetration is based on what factors Trade restrictions : how to quantify or just taken them into account especially NTBs Ability to export to that market doesn’t always mean that it has no restrictions but exporting countries may have adapted Other indexes : can other indexes be included in future model to screen further countries eg., IMD competitiveness index, WB Ease of Doing Business More readily available database will make the model more useful for development countries

Snapshots of Thailand International Trade

Thailand’s Exports 2011 $26,251 mil China 11.8% $24,158 mil EU 10.8% $21,784 mil Japan 10.7% USA 9.8% ASEAN 24.28% $72,471 mil $54,045 mil Others 32.56% Source : Ministry of Commerce and Customs Department, 2011

Year 2011 = 3.4% of GDP Major export items US$ 222.5 billion Computers and parts (7.7%) Motor cars, parts and acc. (7.6%) Rubber (5.7%) Gems and jewellery (5.5%) Refined oil (4.5%) Plastic pellets (4%) US$ 222.5 billion US$ 228.8 billion Major import items Crude oil (14.4%) Machinery and parts (8.7%) Gems, stones, silver, gold(8.7%) Chemicals(6.5%) Iron & steel products (6.1%) Electrical machinery & parts (5.8%) Year 2011 Current account balance = 3.4% of GDP Source: Ministry of Commerce, Customs Department, 2011

TOP TEN TRADING PARTNERS (2011) Value (mil. USD) Growth (%) Balance (mil. USD) 1. Japan 66,076 13.4 -18,335 2. China 56,752 24.15 -4,250 3. USA 35,177 13.92 8,390 4. Malaysia 24,730 16.13 68 5. Singapore 19,212 25.55 3,634 6. Indonesia 17,454 33.86 2,702 7. UAE 17,231 48.20 -11,707 8. Australia 15,945 34.52 50 9. HKC 14.292 28.73 9,613 10. S. Korea 13,793 18.18 -4,638 Source: Ministry of Commerce and Customs Department, 2011

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