The Problem - Things Change
FHWA Emphasis Areas
Ground Work
Data - The Key
Getting Ahead of the Curve
Process starts by Creating a Study
Create Multiple Studies
Building a Study
Steps in Creating a Study
Create a Study for Every Need
Build Project List
Which Roads to Include?
Narrow the Geographic Area
Build Criteria
Advanced Query Capability
Criteria Building - Column to Column
Criteria Building
Query for locations having total Fatal Lane Departure crashes + Incap Lane Departure crashes > 3
Query Results Excluded locations are highlighted
Tracking Exclusions
Exclusions Comments box used to update status of project
Final List
Select Locations for Final List
List Management Click Criteria Description and see the query that included the location
Exclude From List
Exclude Entry
Exclusions Used to Track Projects
Corridor Query
Multi-County Corridor Study
Corridor Query – Fatal Bike/Pedestrian
Corridor Locations Fatal Crashes
Lessons Learned
Bruce Aquila Transportation Consultant Intergraph Corporation Thank You !!!