Default Market Images located at S:\template\presentation\images\banners Alabama Statewide ITS Architecture Stakeholders Meeting November 21, 2013
Welcome from Director Cooper
Welcome and Introductions
Meeting Agenda ITS and the Statewide ITS Architecture Coordination between Agencies Existing and Planned ITS Systems, Projects, Programs Local Needs and Opportunities Next Steps Q&A and Wrap-Up
ITS and the Statewide ITS Architecture
What is ITS? Intelligent Transportation Systems … Officially - Electronics, communications, or information processing used singly or in combination to improve the efficiency or safety of a surface transportation system. (23 CFR Part 940) Unofficially - People using technology in transportation to save time, lives, and money
ITS Components Communications Surveillance Detection Data processing Information Dissemination Centers (TCCs, TMCs) Data Archive / Data Management
ITS Stakeholders Transportation Agencies Transit Agencies/Other Transit Providers Planning Organizations Public Safety Agencies Fleet Operators Travelers Activity Centers …and many more
Pre-Trip Information En-route Information Tourism and Events Traveler Information Systems
Traffic Surveillance Traffic Control Lane Management Parking Management Information Dissemination Enforcement Arterial Management Systems
Traffic Surveillance Special Event Transportation Management Information Dissemination Lane Management Enforcement Ramp Control Freeway Management Systems
Surveillance and Detection Mobilization and Response Information Dissemination Clearance and Recovery Incident Management Systems
Hazardous Materials Management Emergency Medical Services Response and Recovery Emergency Management Systems
Information Dissemination Asset Management Work Zone Management Roadway Operations & Maintenance
Surveillance, Monitoring, and Prediction Information Dissemination Traffic Control Response and Treatment Road Weather Management Systems
Road Geometry Warning Systems Highway Rail Crossing Systems Intersection Collision Warning Bicycle Warning Systems Animal Warning Systems Pedestrian Safety Crash Prevention and Safety Systems
Freight Tracking Asset Tracking Freight Terminal Processes Drayage Operations Freight Highway Connector Systems International Border Crossing (IBC) Processes Intermodal Freight
Credential Administration Safety Assurance Electronic Screening Carrier Operations and Fleet Management Security Operations Commercial Vehicle Operations
Safety and Security Transit Demand Management Fleet Management Information Dissemination Transit Management Systems
Toll Collection Transit Fare Payment Multi-use Payment Electronic Payment Systems
Collision Warning Systems Driver Assistance Systems Collision Notification (“Mayday”) Systems Connected Vehicles
Benefits of ITS
What is an ITS Architecture? A specific, tailored framework for ensuring institutional agreement and technical integration for the implementation of ITS projects in a particular region. It functionally defines what pieces of the system are linked to others and what information is exchanged between them.
Benefits of an ITS Architecture Improves interagency coordination Provides better services to public Engages stakeholders Facilitates future ITS expansion Supports integration and interoperability Helps tailor ITS to local requirements Qualifies state for federal funding
Alabama Statewide ITS Architecture Replaces out-dated Regional ITS Architectures: Huntsville Montgomery Shoals Mobile Birmingham New Statewide ITS Architecture encompasses all areas and stakeholders in the state. Any additional Regional ITS Architectures (not required), should be consistent with Statewide ITS Architecture.
Coordination between Agencies
Major Traffic Incident Scenario
Coordination between Agencies How do agencies coordinate today? What are their roles and responsibilities? What are areas of improvement needed in interagency coordination? How can ITS help interagency coordination?
Break – 15 mins
Existing and Planned ITS Systems, Projects, Programs
ITS in Alabama
5 CCTV 2 DMS 7 Detectors 2 HAR ALDOT Division 1
8 CCTV 2 DMS 2 Weather 2 HAR 3 Detectors ALDOT Division 2
72 CCTV 14 DMS ALDOT Division 3
43 CCTV 13 DMS 5 ALDOT Division 5
51 CCTV 10 DMS 3 HAR 50 Detectors ALDOT Division 6
101 CCTV 15 DMS 7 HAR 28 Detectors ALDOT SW Region
Other Existing info from Surveys 76% of respondents exchange info with Incident/Emergency management agencies 56% of respondents disseminate traffic information to the public via the internet Top 3 user services for mitigating transportation problems are Traffic Control, Incident Management and Disaster Response/Evacuation At least 10 different agencies currently track incident response times and clearance times.
Adaptive Signals Algo I-10 Corridor I-65 DMS Project Video Wall Projects FHWA Scan Tour ALDOT Current & Planned ITS Projects
Location # Int.Project Cost Cost per Intersection Montgomery35$1,800,000$51,500 Birmingham25$1,450,000$58,000 Huntsville16$960,000$60,000 Total76$4,210,000$55,400 3 Pilot Projects Montgomery Birmingham Huntsville Pre & Post Corridor Study Future Projects ALDOT Program Municipal ATRIP projects Qualification demonstration Adaptive Signals (SCATS)
Montgomery East & South Boulevard 35 intersections 13 miles $1.8 million Awarded to World Fiber City of Montgomery maintenance responsibility Adaptive Signals
Birmingham US 280 25 intersections 9 miles $1.45 million Awarded to American Lighting & Signalization ALDOT maintenance responsibility Adaptive Signals
Huntsville US 431 (Governors Dr) 16 intersections 8 miles $960,000 Awarded to Shoals Electric City of Huntsville maintenance responsibility Adaptive Signals
Deployment status: Montgomery 80% Mobile 20% Birmingham 0% (coming soon) Mobile app (coming soon) algo
I-65 DMS Project - Montgomery
Designed by Stantec Letting Date November 2013 – Mobile 2014 – Birmingham 2014 – Montgomery Video Walls
FHWA Scan Tour
March 11 – 15, 2013 Florida DOT D5 & OOCEA – Orlando D4 – Ft. Lauderdale D7 - Tampa FHWA Scan Tour
Complete the ALGO deployment (statewide traffic management system software) Develop a Statewide ITS Architecture Develop a Strategic Business Plan Dedicate staffing Develop performance measures Develop an ITS network segregated from the current IT network Develop standards and specifications for ITS deployments and devices Develop TMC Standard Operations Procedures FHWA Scan Tour Action Items
Develop Traffic Incident Management procedures Expand the ASAP program Implement 511 (meet the 2014 CFR requirement) Utilize contract services as a force multiplier Expand TMC operations to other regional areas (consider a statewide facility) Standardize statewide systems Develop a training program for maintenance and operations FHWA Scan Tour Action Items
Other Planned Systems from Questionnaires Implementing a traffic management center, fiber optic cables and CCTV Planning a dispatch center to receive and dispatch customer service requests Signalized intersection coordination via centralized traffic control center Cameras, detection devices, DMS signs Increasing surveillance areas and TMC relocation
Fiber audit and relocating fiber Continuing project to update communications Potential expansion of transit services Upgrading scheduling and dispatching software Maintenance funded weather monitoring and traffic cameras Other Planned Systems from Questionnaires
70% of respondents feel Coordinated Signal Systems would be beneficial in their area. 67% feel Integrated Regional Management would be beneficial. 63% feel Integrated Emergency Response would be beneficial. Other Information from Questionnaires
Overview of Local Needs and Opportunities Discussions
Local Needs and Opportunities Traffic incident management Emergency response Congestion Safety Others?
Lunch – 30 mins
Local Needs and Opportunities Discussions
Local Needs and Opportunities Traffic incident management Emergency response Congestion Safety Others?
Highlights from Local Discussions
Top Local Needs and Opportunities First Division Second Division Third Division Fourth Division Fifth Division Seventh Division SW Region Central Office
Next Steps
ITS Stakeholder Questionnaires returned by Monday Dec. 2 nd Develop Draft ITS Architecture Document Stakeholders Review / Comment on Draft Document (March 2014) Develop Final ITS Architecture Document Send electronic copies of the completed Alabama Statewide ITS Architecture Document to stakeholders (May 2014)
For More Information Visit: Alabama Statewide ITS Architecture website at: Contact: Gary W. Moore, P.E. ALDOT Traffic Design Engineer (334)
Thank you!