Uzbek Cotton on the World Market: Production & Consumption, Logistics & Pricing Mr. Elyor GANIEV
Uzbek cotton Last Progress in Uzbekistan Cotton Industry Increase of yield Early ripening cotton varieties Introduction of modern technologies Quality improvement Development of logistics system Competitive marketing policy
Uzbek cotton Uzbek Cotton Production
129 cotton ginning factories Uzbekistan Cotton Gins more than 50% of gins were reconstructed Karakalpakstan Khorezm Navoi Bukhara Samarkand Kashkadarya Surkhandarya Jizzakh Sirdarya TashkentNamangan Fergana Andijan Uzbek cotton
Quality of Uzbek Cotton CropWhite Light Spotted SpottedTinged Yellow Stained ,423,15,64,66, ,018,53,83,92, ,123,04,73,72,5 Crop Good Middling Strict Middling Middling Strict Low Middling Low Middling ,744,326,310,72, ,349,224,76,90, ,864,215,32,00,6 by Sorts by Classes Uzbek cotton
World Production & Uzbek Cotton Uzbek cotton
World Exports & Uzbek Cotton Uzbek cotton
Cotton Consumption in Uzbekistan Uzbek cotton
Uzbek Cotton Exports Uzbek cotton
- Cotton terminals - Free warehouses 26 cotton terminals 6 free warehouses one time storage capacity tones Tashkent Karakalpakstan Khorezm Bukhara Kashkadarya Surkhandarya Samarkand Navoi Jizzakh Sirdarya Fergana Namangan Andijan Uzbek cotton Uzbekistan Cotton Terminals
Uzbek Cotton Transportation Corridors
Sari-Agach Ozinki Posin Riga Oazis Aksarayskaya Russian-Baltic corridor delivery period: 20 days
Sari-Agach Ozinki IIechevsk Oazis Aksarayskaya Solovey Uspenskaya Ukrainian corridor delivery period: days
Sari-Agach Lokot Nahodka Zabaikalsk Far Eastern corridor delivery period: days
Farab Meshhed Tegeran Van Kayseri Бандар-Аббас Mersin Serahs Turkish corridor delivery period: days
Farab Serahs Bafk Bandar-Abbas Meshhed Iranian corridor delivery period: 16 days
Farab Banda-Abbasr Qindao Sari-Agach Mumbay Chitagong Ho-shi-min Pusan
Tyanjin Qingdao Lyanyungang Sari-Agach Dostyk Alashenkou Urumchi Chinese corridor delivery period: 38 days
Uzbek cotton Exporters of Uzbek Cotton
Sale of Uzbek cotton through Uzbek Commodity Exchange has been started in Uzbek cotton Uzbek Commodity Exchange
September 18-19, 2007, Tashkent Uzbek cotton 3 rd International Uzbek Cotton Fair