1 Comments on lecture 8 ( Ethics in the workplace ), group presentation & others
2 Ethics in the state of Texas Who is in charge? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Professional Boards are in “charge” of professional conduct, ethics and grievances. For example State Bar of Texas (Law) Texas Board of Professional Engineers Other (health, medical, government)
3 Ethics Professional Engineers Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 One of the requisites to become a licensed engineer is to take & pass a Conducts and Ethics Examination Download information from Texas Board of Professional Engineers Exam questionnaire and Texas Practice Act and Rules Concerning the Practice of Engineering
4 Ethics in the workplace To what extent Ethics plays a role in ME work Professional integrity is an ethical asset. Moral integrity & honor are most treasured human values. You live to practice it (24 h & 7 day & 365 day)
5 Ethics in the workplace Is Ethics common sense? No. Common sense allows us to “sniff” a potential problem (break in rules) if we stop to think it. One makes mistakes – To Err is Human but Learn from mistakes
6 Ethics in the workplace What happens if a country that has different ethics codes does something considered unethical or illegal in the US? Countries DO NOT practice Ethics and Moral Codes. Individuals and organizations do. No matter where you are, the practices and ethics of your company (employer) prevail. Learn to conduct business in various parts of the world. See countries corruption perceptions index at
7 Ethics in the workplace Punishment for bribery in the US Loss of job. Social outcast. Civil prosecution (jail) Pay penalties
8 Ethics in the workplace How do we approach clients & market company? Build Trust (essential ingredient). Neither you nor client can assume or expect that the other has ulterior motives in conducting a business transaction.
9 Ethics in the workplace After a deal is struck, is it legal and appropriate to receive a gift of appreciation worth more than 50 dollars? Perhaps. Never accept a gift for work that you are supposed to do (it is part of your regular duties or job description)
10 About conflict of interest Since different cultures have different interpretations of an event and hence there is no universal definition of “ethical conduct,” what shall we do if there is a conflict of interest? e.g. refusing a gift from a Chinese is a very disrespectful act, as gifts from Chinese tend to be high in value. Conflict of interest presumes one exploits a professional or official capacity in some way to obtain (gain) personal or corporate benefit. Cultures do have different patterns of accepted behavior; still (definition) of conflict of interest holds.
11 Questions Are individuals allowed to paint large company logos on their personal belongings and represent their company on personal time? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Yes, you may. Think also about T-shirts, pens, etc.
12 OTHER comments & questions Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011
13 The Gothard Tunnel How much support for a similar tunnel through the Rockies would there be in the US? What do they do with the excavated rock? Why are trains more common in Europe? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Watch Discovery Channel – Extreme Engineering ve.html Until the mid 20 th century, railways in the US were the most advanced in the world. Development of the Interstate Highway System overtook railways for personal and (some) goods transportation in the late 1930s’. Europe (and Asia) continue investing in railways (and mass transportation) for cost efficiency, energy savings and personal preferences.
14 High speed trains in the US Any plans for HS railways? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Since the early 1990s Texas has proposed/awarded franchises for a high speed corridor – the “Texas Triangle” connecting Dallas/Fort Worth -Huston-Austin/San Antonio with high speed railways. Private funding is a mandate
15 Lana Wilson recommends Watch a GREAT Movie: The Pirates of Silicone Valley The history of Steve Jobs & Steve Wasniak (Apple) and Bill Gates (Microsoft). It shows how you really have to believe in and develop your ideas. It will pay off! Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 See also Based on Fire in the Valley: The Making of The Personal Computer by P. Freiberger and M. Swaine
16 Questions Want to know more about SPORTS ENGINEERING? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Visit ISEA (international Sports Engineering Association) at Univ of nevada (UNLV) offers a BS degree in Entertainment Engineering and Design Entertainment Eng. and Sports Eng. are fast growing branches of eng. Every sports item (balls, bats, shoes, skies, etc.) are designed & tested to satisfy specific needs for performance enhancement (long life, more or less friction, more or less traction, etc). TRIBOLOGY contributes greatly to the field of Sports Eng.
17 Questions Around this time of year, many students are looking for jobs or getting ready to accept job offers. What should you look for in a job offer? Can you negotiate certain things? What questions should one ask once receiving an offer? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 See resource (mailed) DECISION TIME! Salary evaluation Besides $$ and benefits, you have to be satisfied with the company's reputation, environment, and culture (growth potential too). Offer must detail the role you will play in the company. Get the intangibles in writing (further education, travel and time away from home, balancing work and personal life)
18 Question How do some upper level classes and technical electives lead to job opportunities & specialties? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Taking electives and involvement in research projects gives you an edge (a step to the door) to many specialized jobs. Talk with faculty!
19 Recommendations for organizing? Only one – start today! Perpetual procrastination is the worst enemy of organization. Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011