FLEX/MapServer application for the Brazilian Industrial Fishing Vessels Monitoring Program Felipe Luiz Pereira Carlos Henrique Bughi Rafael Medeiros Sperb Itajaí Valley University – Brazil
The Brazilian Industrial Fishing Vessels Monitoring Program Began in 2005 after a 5 years pilot program; Every vessel that measures more than 15 meters in length must be tracked; RASTRO is the information system developed to support the program operation.
What is it? RASTRO receives tracking data via Webservices (SOA); It presents tracking data through WebMapping; It provides several functions to support surveillance and decision making.
Architecture RASTRO’s architecture is entirely based on FOSS. OS Unix, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Apache, PHP, Symfony, Ka-Map and MapServer...
Problem Memory (Stack-over-flow) and Tiling didn’t work well; Bad performance; The solution was to develop an interface on Adobe Flash ®, with exchange of information through XML;
Concearns It did perform well, but… It was not FOSS; Adobe Flash® is more oriented to Animation; We believe we could improve performance using Adobe Flex® SDK Free.
FLEX + PHP + MapServer
Flex + XML RequestResponse Slices!
Demontration Go end!
B Plan
Conclusions Ups ▫Fast interface development; ▫Allow: local data handling (client side); Easy development of user friendly interfaces; ▫Adobe Flex ®SDK Free. Downs ▫Needs recent versions of Flash Player Plugin (client side); ▫Not OGC compliant (will be in the new version).
Thanks you! Questions? Contacts: Felipe Luiz Pereira – Carlos Henrique Bughi – Rafael Medeiros Sperb –