ETD 2005 BDTD – The Brazilian National ETD Project
ETD 2005 Ana Pavani Sueli Maffia PUC-Rio IBICT Rio de Janeiro BrasíliaBrazil
BDTD Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações
Between 1995 and 2000 – PUC-Rio, UFSC and USP started and consolidated ETD projects: They worked independently – no coordination and no cooperation They belong to different organizations – the first is private, the second belongs to the Federal Gov’t and the third to the Gov’t of the State of São Paulo They are located in the SO and SE regions of the country (most developed and responsible for the highest percentage of the GNP)
IBICT – Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia: Belongs to the Ministry of Science & Technology Is the legal deposit of T&D of Brazilians who go abroad for graduate work funded by federal agencies Hosts the database of referential records of Brazilian T&Ds (over 140 K)
In January 2001 – IBICT took the leadership to start a national project funded by the Ministry of Science & Technology: Motivation: increase presence of Brazil’s scholarly publication on the Internet Goal: build na integrated digital library of ETDs
Objectives: Promote local ETD-DL (universities) Develop and distribute a toolkit and training Develop national ETD metadata standard Maintain compatibility with international standards and practices
Objectives: Develop a system architecture compatible with Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Integrate national and international ETD initiatives
Other founding institutions: The 3 universities with ETD projects BIREME (PAHO’s & WHO’s library for Latin America and the Caribbean) Federal agencies related to higher education
Activities & results: MTD-Br – national metadata standard for ETDs to Allow a union catalog to be created Be compatible with ETD-ms Yield information on ETDs, funding, geography, areas of knowledge, etc. TEDE – an open and free SW solution to publish ETDs (based on the VT model of student participation)
Implementation of the OAI-PMH with the 3 original universities Training sessions and support to institutions all over the country to start ETD projects Co-sponsorship (with UNESCO) of an online tutorial to train teams for ETD projects – versions in Portuguese and in Spanish TEDE # 2 – an open and free SW solution to be used by librairies (difficulties in accepting student participation!!)
Problems, solutions & challenges: General: a national project is a real challenge in a country that has sharp differences in human development (as defined by the UNDP) The solution to this problem is a not in the scope of the BDTD project
Problems, solutions & challenges: Change of culture in some institutions: Some institutions did not believe that ETDs are important Others thought they were ‘for developed countries’ Solution: intensive training program that started in 2001 – co-sponsored by IBICT, UNESCO and universities
Problems, solutions & challenges: Existence of MARC records (for traditional T&Ds) and metadata records (for ETDs) 1 st solution: use one database for both – did not work due to the difference in contents of the records 2 nd solution: keep to separate databases and allow federated search
Problems, solutions & challenges: Quality of metadata records when originated in OPACS – no titles, keywords and abstracts in foreign languages; no uniform assignment of fields to T&Ds specific info Solution: technical support is given to institutions that want to implement MTD-Br in addition to traditional MARC records; institutions that do comply to MTD-Br will not participate in the project
Problems, solutions & challenges: Some OPACs (local products) do not have OAI-PMH dataprovider functions Solution: technical support is given to institutions that want to implement TEDE /TEDE #2 in addition to their OPACs
Problems, solutions & challenges: Lack of motivation to keep the ETD projects running after a few months Solution: work with the highest institutional level possible to assure that the ETD project is institutional
Problems, solutions & challenges: Lack of motivation of faculty to e-publishing of documents Solution: offer access statistics to show how visible works are – this has been very successful in PUC-Rio Solution # 2 (after Steve’s presentation early in the morning) : refer to citations (will be addressed when I get back to Brazil)
Problems, solutions & challenges: Institutions that do not require ETDs Solution: work with funding agencies to modify contracts to require ETDs as a condition to give scholarships
BDTD Current status
ETDmetadatarepository Other Harvesters Other HarvestersMTD-BrOAI-PMHMTD-BrOAI-PMH Data Providers Etd-msDCEtd-msDC Harvester IBICT
BDTD member institutions & numbers of ETDs – Sep 27, 2005
BDTD member institutions & Brazilian geography – Sep 27, 2005
Union catalog – BDTD records
Thank you! Muito obrigada! Slide 21: Thank you, Sílvia Southwick!!