Main ISSUES of reFINE’s R&I Roadmap - Main ISSUES of reFINE’s R&I Roadmap Luc Bourdeau Secretary General European Construction Technology Platform
ECTP Mission
Three Main Initiatives
Around 200 Members under the ECTP Umbrella ECTP Membership Around 200 Members under the ECTP Umbrella Statistics on E2BA membership (125 members)
Hard & Soft Infrastructure ‘Hard’ Infrastructure Long / very long lifetime To support future technology changes ‘Soft’ Infrastructure Short lifetime Evolution driven by IT ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ must be combined to deliver more Sustainability Resilience to climate change For new transport energy modes For an ageing society At socially acceptable cost
If Transport Infra does not change Construction and maintenance costs to increase beyond control from sustainability requirements Quality of services will become more difficult to ensure Traffic congestion will continue to grow Failing infrastructure will not cope with climate change Deteriorating infrastructure will jeopardize competitiveness New transport technologies will fail to develop because of inadequate / insufficient infrastructure Environmental impact of infrastructure will become dramatic From construction, to upgrade and maintenance, to demolition Consumption of land, energy, raw materials Nuisances (noise, vibrations, pollution of air and ground water) Waste generation 6
reFINE Vision for Infrastructure Networks (1/2) To support EU social and territorial cohesion in a sustainable way To provide continuous and safe mobility for a high quality of life in sustainable European cities To support an integrated and efficient transport system for competitive European economy Multimodal Hubs Urban Mobility Long Distance Corridors 7
reFINE Vision for Infrastructure Networks (2/2) To provide continuous, efficient and reliable quality of service with minimum environmental impact over their entire life cycle To ensure smart and resilient services throughout climate change, natural and man-made hazards To optimise and manage maintenance / upgrade so as to preserve the quality of life for the future generations of European citizens Green Smart Low Cost 8
Multimodal Hubs Airports, Major Railway stations, Harbours Megastructures organised for cross-modal transit Servicing very high fluxes of people &/or freight Critical nodes for International / National / Regional traffic 9
Urban Mobility Multimodal urban transport networks A critical challenge of Sustainable / Smart cities Develop / maintain a complex fabric of pathways, roads, subways in constricted urban space Cultural heritage infrastructure Developing more / deeper / larger underground facilities Critical to ensure Local / Regional traffic 10
Long Distance Corridors Infrastructure of intercity transport Long linear structures : Highways, Railways, Waterways Major pieces of Engineering for crossings : large bridges, tunnel crossings, etc Integration in landscape Critical for International / National traffic 11
Priorities for a High-Level Service Infrastructure Life cycle assessment (LCA) approach for Multimodal Hubs Extending service life of Urban Networks Reducing impacts of Urban Infrastructure construction, upgrade and/or maintenance Preserving functional use of Urban Networks in emergency episodes Extending the life time of existing Long Distance Corridors Assessing risks for Long Distance Corridor Structures Reducing costs and disruption of Long Distance Corridors Foresight and roadmap towards High Level Service Infrastructure Information data management for Infrastructure Green, Smart, Low Cost
reFINE Roadmap Building Up Infrastructure Networks of a Sustainable Europe - The reFINE Roadmap A long way behind us since 2009 Vision, SRA, Impacts Infrastructure is in agenda of H2020 (NEW and OLD infra) A lot more to come … through RD&I projects through the REFINET CSA Promoting a large programme (PPP?)
The reFINE Roadmap