Encounter: Brazilian Counterexample
Pedro Alvares Cabral was bound for India. Sailing from Portugal down the west coast of Africa and swung out into the South Atlantic, bumping into Brazil. Portuguese Encounter Brazil
Named it “Island of the True Cross” and continued to India. Brazil offered little to Portugal. Portuguese Encounter Brazil
Pero Vaz de Caminha described what he saw in a letter. Indigenous wore no clothes. Portuguese were interested in a red dye from “brazilwood” tree. Portuguese Encounter Brazil
In the 1530s, French ships Appear near Brazilian coast. King sent Portuguese settlers to Brazil. Portuguese Become Interested in Brazil
Portuguese wanted land from the Tupi. Sugar cane became the cash crop in Brazil because it did not grow in Europe. Portuguese Become Interested in Brazil
o Portuguese started attacking and enslaving the Tupi. o European diseases were deadly for the Tupi, who had no resistance. THE TUPI
o To replace the Tupi, the Portuguese would bring African slaves. THE TUPI
Jesuits arrived in Brazil and gathered Tupi. Taught the Tupi Christianity and defended them from slavery. THE JESUITS