R&D, I for Agrienergy in Brazil J. Dilcio Rocha Researcher Embrapa-Agrienergy The Midlands Energy Consortium International Showcase Nottingham, UK, 5 th October, 2011
Perspectives for the Brazilian Agroenergy Program and the International Cooperation Embrapa’s Mission and Network Agrienergy National Plan, Opportunities for International Cooperation in Agrienergy PRESENTATION CONTENT
The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation's mission is to provide feasible solutions for the sustainable development of Brazilian agribusiness through knowledge and technology generation and transfer.
Established in 1973 Linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Headquarters: Brasilia, DF ANNUAL BUDGET US$ ~ 650 millions FUNDING Federal Government - 88% Own Funding - 12% EMBRAPA: Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
PEOPLE (1) Total: 8,375 2,198 Researchers 68% PhD (12% Post-Doc) 30% MS 2% BS Support Analysts 5% PhD 21% MS 8% BS Specialist 66% BS Others Categories
Embrapa Network 41 Research Centers - 11 National Thematic Centers - 15 National Commodity Centers - 15 Ecorregional /Agroforestry Centers 4 VIRTUAL LABORATORIES OVERSEAS Labex: USA – USDA/ARS Europe: France, The Netherlands, UK Korea: Seul, China Embrapa Africa – Accra, Ghana Embrapa Venezuela, Caracas Embrapa Central America - Panama
Embrapa’s R,D&I Network Embrapa Acre Embrapa Amapa Embrapa Western Amazonia Embrapa Eastern Amazonia Embrapa Rondonia Embrapa Roraima Embrapa Mid-North Embrapa Tropical Semi-Arid Embrapa Coastal Tablelands Embrapa Goats Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits Embrapa Cotton Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry Embrapa Western Region Agriculture Embrapa Rice & Beans Embrapa Coffee Embrapa Cerrados Embrapa Beef Cattle Embrapa Vegetables Embrapa Pantanal Embrapa Agroenergy Embrapa Genetic Resources & Biotechnology Embrapa Tecnological Information Northern Northeast Mid-west Embrapa Agrobiology Embrapa Food Technology Embrapa Dairy Cattle Embrapa Agriculture Informatics Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation Embrapa Environment Embrapa Maize & Sorghum Embrapa Satellite Monitoring Embrapa Cattle-Southeast Embrapa Soils Southeast Embrapa Temperate Agriculture Embrapa Forestry Embrapa South Animal Husbandry & Sheep Embrapa Soybean Embrapa Swine & Poultry Embrapa Wheat Embrapa Grape & Wine Southern (06) (07) (10) (07)
Embrapa Agrienergy / CNPAE – National Agrienergy Research Center: Central point of coordination of several Embrapa’s Research Centers; Research in strategic themes and products: –Not carried out by other Brazilian research institutions, –With specificity, –Complementary approaches; New expertises; Embrapa’s reference in R&DI nets and consortium in the country and abroad; Support to Consortium and Agroenergy Funds.
The Brazilian Energy Consumption By Source EPE, BEN 2010 Non Renewable54.6 Oil38.0 Natural Gas10.2 Coal5.1 Uranium1.4 Renewable45.4 Hydraulic14.2 Firewood & charcoal9.6 Sugar cane products17.7 Other renewables (wind, biodiesel)3.9
EMBRAPA´S RD&I PLATFORMS The National Agroenergy Plan is based on: - Agronomic technology development; - Industrial technology development; and - Sociological, economic, market, management, and public policy studies. Vegetable oils EnergyForestsEnergyForests CaneCaneAgri-residuesAgri-residues
Source: MAPA/CONAB – May 2010 Today (2010/2011 season): Sugarcane : 664 million ton Planted area : 8.1 million ha Sugar : 38.6 million ton Ethanol : 28.5 billion liters Sugarcane “brandy” : 1.5 billion liters Employees – direct : 1.0 million indirect.....: 2.6 million Future (2012): Sugarcane : 1 billion ton Planted area : million ha Ethanol : 48 billion liters Brazil: 190 million inhabitants, 850 ha (8,5 million km2) Sugarcane Production in Brazil
Brazilian Biodiesel Program AGROENERGY - BIODIESEL Law /2005: Brazilian Market 2005 to 2007 (2% permitted) => 0 – 840 million liters 2008 to 2012 (3% mandatory) (5% permitted) => 0.8 – 2.5 billion liters From 2013 on (5% mandatory) => 2.5 billion liters Type Units Total Capacity * Total Units Capacity* Pilot Producing Built (not operating) ,294.9 Being built , ,703.6 ___________________________________________________________ TOTAL 201 4,949.3 * In thousand cubic meters (or billion litres) / year Biodiesel Plants in Brazil
OVERSEA LABS (LABEX) PROJECT Opportunity for scientific development Partnership for high-tech development Scientific experience exchange
Embrapa Agroenergy R&D&I actions and Strategy: general 1.To contribute for structuring state level programs for agrienergy production; 2.To identify real and potential raw material sources for biofuels production integrated in the regional productive chain; 3.To perform the agroclimatic and risk zonning for the identified raw material sources; 4.To define certified raw material sources, production systems, and infra-structure for production of certified materials aiming their recommendation.
Cellulosic Materials: - Lignocellulosic biomass technology. - Biorefineries that produce an array of valuable chemicals and products together with bulk biofuels. -Lower the cost of the known technology which breaks cellulose and hemicellulose down into their component sugars using enzymatic hydrolysis (cellulase enzymes). - Ferment sugars to bioethanol (in several different alternative ways). Chemical Process – New Biodiesel Routes: - Use of ethanol instead of methanol. - New catalysts (homogeneous and heterogeneous) - Vegetable oil from native palms Thermochemical Process: - Pyrolysis and Gasification to syngas and biochar Interchange and Training Funds and/or proposal to joint research in Agrienergy (Opening for) R,D&I Strategies: International Partnerships Opening for new ideas : …
Embrapa Agroenergy