Creative Commons Licenses: the Brazilian Experience Davide M. Parrilli ICRI – K.U. Leuven – IBBT
Objective and method; CC licenses; Legal analysis of CC in Brazil; Social impact and economic development. Agenda
Objective and Method Objective: how and to what extent copyright can be a key factor for economic and social growth in Brazil? Method: analysis of CC licenses and potential impact on the creation of new businesses; economic and social consequences.
CC licenses Some rights reserved: the licensor can decide to what extent he will keep his rights over his work. Sharing ideas vs. protecting ideas. Brazil: CC supported by the Federal Ministry of Culture (Gilberto Gil) and part of academia: CC as a way to create social and economic development.
Legal analysis of CC in Brazil Legal framework: Law 9.610/1998 (copyright) and Law 9.609/1998 (copyright and software). Economic rights + moral rights for the creator. Kinds of licenses (2.5): – Attribution; – Attribution – non commercial; – Attribution – non commercial – no derivative work; – Attribution – non commercial – share alike; – Attribution – no derivative work; – Attribution – share alike.
Social impact and economic development (I) Economic development and access to knowledge depend on copyright. Strong copyright protection vs. freedom. Economic development: stimulus to social and cultural growth.
Social impact and economic development (II) Law and economics: strong IPR protection is a stimulus to growth. Brazilian copyright law: very strong protection, inefficient enforcement system: necessity to create a modern system, CC licenses can contribute to that.
Social impact and economic development (III) Projects to create SMEs and clusters and allow access to culture for all citizens: programme Cultura Viva. Role of CC licenses: flexibility; protection + sharing and innovation: they match the needs of businesses. Pontos de Cultura: – Places where it’s possible to learn and have access to information and culture; – Incubators for SMEs; – From a tool for capacity building to a tool to create employment and innovate the local economy.
CC licenses Pontos de Cultura New firms Economic growth Social development Social impact and economic development (IV)
Thank you! Davide M. Parrilli Interdisciplinary Centre for Law & ICT – ICRI - IBBT K.U.Leuven Sint-Michielsstraat Leuven – Belgium