Desensibilização em transplante renal – experiência da PUCRS (relato de caso) HOSPITAL SÃO LUCAS DA PUCRS SERVIÇO DE NEFROLOGIA 2012 David Saitovitch
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation IgA Nephropathy
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old, Brazilian, caucasian, female Case presentation IgA Nephropathy dialysis since 07/2000
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation IgA Nephropathy 2 pregnancies, 10 blood transfusions, 1st kidney tx 06/2003 dialysis since 07/2000
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation IgA Nephropathy Primary non-function pregnancies, 10 blood transfusions, 1st kidney tx 06/2003 dialysis since 07/2000
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation IgA Nephropathy Primary non-function.... Etiology???? 2 pregnancies, 10 blood transfusions, 1st kidney tx 06/2003 dialysis since 07/2000
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Waiting list
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Waiting list CMs
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Waiting list CMs → +
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Waiting list CMs → + PRA (CDC) → >90%
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Waiting list vascular access...
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Waiting list vascular access... dificult!
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Peritoneal dialysis 03/2006
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Peritoneal dialysis 03/2006 Peritonitis
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation ultrafiltration... failure! Peritoneal dialysis 03/2006
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis 03/2008
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation vascular access... dificult! Hemodialysis 03/2008
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation vascular access... dificult! Priority on the waiting list (2009) ! Hemodialysis 03/2008
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list!
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! ↑ CMs
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! ↑ CMs → +
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! ↑ CMs →
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! PRA (CDC) → >95%
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! PRA (Flow) → >95%
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol ivig
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol ivig 2g/Kg (monthly) 2010
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol ivig 2g/Kg (monthly) 2010 CMs → +
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol ivig 2g/Kg (monthly) 2010 CMs → + PRA...??
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol PP/ivig 0.1g/Kg Jan 2011
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Hemodialysis Priority on the waiting list! Desensitization protocol PP/ivig 0.1g/Kg Jan 2011 Deceased donor allograft 21/02/11
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11ABDRRecipient2,2435,6513,16 Donor 2, - 51,5713,17
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11ABDRRecipient2,2435,6513,16 Donor 2, - 51,5713,17
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11ABDRRecipient2,2435,6513,16 Donor 2, - 51,5713,17
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11ABDRRecipient2,2435,6513,16 Donor 2, - 51,5713,17 DQ2
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11 CDC Cross-match (-)
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11 CDC Cross-match (-) Flow Cross-match (+)
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11 CDC Cross-match (-) Flow Cross-match (+)
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11 Cold ischemia – 32 h Anastomosis time – 40 min.
G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female Case presentation Deceased donor allograft 21/Feb/11 Immunosuppression Thymo (1,5mg/kg) Tac MMF Prednisone PP/ivig
(mg/dL) (days) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD (Tac + MMF + Pred) PP/IVIG 3x/week
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
B*57 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=12093 DQ*2
B*57 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=12093 DQ*2
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
B*57 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=12093 DQ*2
B*57 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=12093 DQ*2
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) graft biopsy
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) Tac dose (blood levels 13 ng/ml)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) bortezomib 1st
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) Tac dose (blood levels 16.3 ng/ml)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) bortezomib 2nd
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) bortezomib 3rd
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) bortezomib 4th
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
B*57 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=8694 DQ*2 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=4218
B*57 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=8694 DQ*2 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI=4218
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (days) Thymoglobuline Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female HD PP/IVIG 3x/week PP/IVIG 3x/week (Tac + MMF + Pred) DISCHARGED
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred)
B*57 DQ*2 14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI=2141
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred)
14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI=6038 B*57DQ*2
14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI=6038 B*57DQ*2
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred) APN
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred) APN - Cefepime
14/02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /08/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /02/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /03/11 MFI= /04/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /05/11 MFI= /08/11 MFI=1457 DQ*2B*57
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred)
(mg/dL) (mo) Case presentation G.C.V.J., 49-year-old Brazilian, Caucasian female (Tac + MMF + Pred) Acknowledgements to Dr. Jorge M. Neumann et al. Laboratorio de Imunologia de Transplantes – Hospital Don Vicente Scherer