Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 1 Regional Center and Grid Development in Brazil Cláudio Geyer Parallel and Distributed Computing Group Instituto de Informática - UFRGS Brazil
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 2 Authors Adenauer Yamin Corrêa - UCPel and UFRGS Luciano Cavalheiro da Silva - UFRGS Patrícia Kayser Vargas - La Salle, UFRJ and UFRGS Marko Petek - UFRGS Diana Adamatti - UFRGS Iara Augustin - UFSM and UFRGS Jorge Barbosa - UCPel and UFRGS phd and master students
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 3 Summary Brazilian Grid DOAP: Grid middleware –adaptative scheduling PRIMOS: high performance Java VIC ++: adaptative VIC for Access Grid Other Brazilian Grid Projects Conclusion
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 4 Brazilian Grid First national meeting –organized by CNPq –october 2001 –Finep –members of CENAPADs –application users (HEP, LNCC,...) –researchers on high-performance computing –RNP: research national networking
5 Brazilian Grid Goals –promote the use of Grid 3 groups –hw infra-structure networking, systems (clusters),... –sw infra-structure middleware, accounting, security,... –applications Some initial propositions (documents)
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 6 Brazilian Grid Some initial propositions (documents) –first meeting resume –proposition for sw organization –proposition for applications A Grid list
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 7 Diffractive Physics - HEP Brazilian Grid
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 12 DOAP Grid-like middleware Distributed object oriented programming Adaptative scheduling Mobile computing
13 DOAP Concerns System Heterogeneity GRID Computing CLUSTER Computing System's Components Availability Mobility (Hardware and Software) Adaptation (Aplication and System)
14 DOAP: a pervasive view A pervasive view in GRID Computing Mobile Computing Wireless GRID Computing Wide-area Meta-computing High performance equips. Adaptability High heterogeneity
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 15 GRID Computing in DOAP Development Decisions Execution Decisions Adaptation Centric
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 16 GRID Computing in DOAP Application RMS Agreement Band Adaptation Centric Resource Demand
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 17 DOAP Architecture Holoparadigm Multiparadigm; Blackboards; Mobility.
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 18 Mobility: Hardware and Software Language level adaptation constructors DOAP Architecture
19 DOAP Architecture High Distributed Applications Execution level adaptation mechanisms EXEHDA – Execution Environment for High Distributed Applications
20 DOAP Architecture Proposals for object: Migration; Optmized communication; Monitoring PRIMOS – PRIMitives for Object Scheduling
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 21 Java versus GRID Benefits of Java to GRID environments: –Code portability simplifies assumptions about the heterogeneous execution environment –Object-oriented programming model straightforward program partitioning –Fast learning curve structured language, no pointers, programming less error prone
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 22 PRIMOS: Java meeting the GRID PRIMOS extends Java with mechanisms to support: –remote instantiation and object migration deal with code deployment and accounting –optimized communication primitives access to specialized hardware features not available to usual Java applications –distributed system utilization: probe & publishing –construction of inter-object communication profiles
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 23 PRIMOS Architecture Overview Cell groups Cell Network Segment Information Server Hosts
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 24 PRIMOS: towards adaptive behavior PRIMOS provides feedback to applications about system state –Additionally to system load indexes, inter- objects communication profiles may be constructed, using lightweight measurements –Per-application heuristics might be used to provide specific adaptive behavior
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 25 VIC++ For Access Grid
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 26 VIC ++ Access Grid –a Grid for people –people interact with Grid resources –interaction between people groups –distributed seminars, discussions, workshops, classes,...
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 27 VIC++ VIC and RAT –software for video and audio transmission –mbone tools –used by Access Grid (also VRVS)
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 28 VIC++ Global Supercomputing 2001 –a node at Instituto de Informática - UFRGS Experience results –mbone tools are not easy to operate –they lack some features for adaptation to dynamic environment
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 29 VIC ++ –an extension of VIC –two main targets: an adaptability algoritm –adjust the VIC configurations to the network conditions –reduce the work of the operator during a session –to expand the statistics generator of the VIC in order to provide more data to the researcher
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 30 Globus Experience Globus installation –Myrinet/PC cluster of II-UFRGS –second semester of 2001 –next steps use with some academic applications - tests evaluate the possibility of integration between our projects and Globus
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 31 Other Brazilian Grid Projects We will present an overview of main Brazilian initiatives –MultiCluster –GridGene –IC Grid –OpenGrid Probably it is not a complete list There is also a proposal of a national Grid
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 32 Other Brazilian Grid Projects MultiCluster –II/UFRGS –Contact: Prof. Philippe O.A. Navaux It aims to efficiently integrate different cluster-based architectures –Myrinet, SCI, Fast Ethernet, …
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 33 Other Brazilian Grid Projects GridGene –UFRJ, LCC/MCT, UFPB/Campina Grande –Contact: Prof. Paulo Bisch It aims to support –genome analysis –through development of parallel and distributed software for Grid environments
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 34 Other Brazilian Grid Projects IC Grid –UFF –Contact: Prof. Vinod Rebello Creation of a mini-grid testbed Design and development of grid-base middleware
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 35 Other Brazilian Grid Projects OpenGrid –UFPB –Contact: Prof. Walfredo Cirne It provides a global execution environment It is distributed as a free software
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 36 Other Brazilian Grid Projects Proposal: build a national Grid of Cenapads Cenapad –HPC national (federal) center –offers HPC resources to application users –nowadays there are: six CENAPADs (HPC centers) a SINAPAD (to integrate these centers) This structure can be the starting point of a national Grid
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 37 More Grid Projects at Brazil Grid Brasil
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 38 Conclusions Several projects on Grid software –adaptative scheduling –Java HP programming –Access Grid/Vic++ –Multicluster –Global execution environment –Grid testbed for new Grid middleware
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 39 Conclusions At least two important Grid applications –HEP –Genome Brazilian Grid group Sinapad Grid
Lishef Grid Workshop - February UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 40 End