Engage November 18, 2012 Pentecost 25
What’s the name of the shepherd boy who fought a giant and won? David
Leade r: Oh give thanks to the L ORD, for He is good; People: For His steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 118:1) Give Thanks
Leader: Let us thank God with our hearts. (A brief silence) We remember that it is God who has given us our lives, who renews His love to us each day.
People: We thank You, Lord. Leader: Bless the L ORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. (Psalm 103:2)
People: We thank You, Lord. Leader: It is God who forgives our sin and remembers it no more.
People: We thank You, Lord. Leader: It is with our hearts and hands that we receive the many gifts that God gives us.
People: We thank You, Lord. Leader: We thank God not only with our minds, but also with our voices.
Leader: For the gifts of body and soul, eyes, ears, and all our members, our reason and all our senses, for all that He gives to support our bodily life,
People:We thank You, Lord. Leader: The steadfast love of the L ORD is from ever- lasting to everlasting on those who fear Him. (Psalm103:17)
People:Alleluia! Amen.
Song: O Sing to the Lord Text: Brazilian: Spanish and English tr. Gerhard Cartford. © Gerhard Cartford. Used by permission.
O sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song, REPEAT 2X O sing to our God, O sing to our God. Text: Brazilian: Spanish and English tr. Gerhard Cartford. © Gerhard Cartford. Used by permission.
For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders. REPEAT 2X O sing to our God, O sing to our God. Text: Brazilian: Spanish and English tr. Gerhard Cartford. © Gerhard Cartford. Used by permission.
So dance for our God, And blow all the trumpets. REPEAT 2X And sing to our God, And sing to our God. Text: Brazilian: Spanish and English tr. Gerhard Cartford. © Gerhard Cartford. Used by permission.
O shout to our God, Who gave us the Spirit. REPEAT 2X O sing to our God, O sing to our God. Text: Brazilian: Spanish and English tr. Gerhard Cartford. © Gerhard Cartford. Used by permission.
For Jesus is Lord! Amen! Alleluia! REPEAT 2X O sing to our God, O sing to our God. Text: Brazilian: Spanish and English tr. Gerhard Cartford. © Gerhard Cartford. Used by permission.
Faith Word of the Day A person in authority who rules alone
Who am I?
Happy Birthday ADD NAMES Happy Baptism Day ADD NAMES Image from Microsoft Office Clip Art: office.microsoft.com/images
O Offering Mission Minute
Luther’s Morning Prayer
I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life
may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
Song: Who Would Have Known? By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.
Once David, a young shepherd boy, went to the army camp To bring some lunch to soldiers who were facing a great champ. By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.
Goliath was the strong man’s name whose challenge came that day: “Come out and fight, if you’re not scared!” Then he heard David say: By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.
“Who would have known? Who could have guessed? God can use me, and I will be blessed! The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Yes, my God will do it all!” Refrain By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.
So David took his slingshot out and went down to a brook To choose five stones for him to use. The soldiers could not look. By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.
For they were still afraid this boy just did not have a chance. But with one shot the giant fell, and they began to dance! By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.
“Who would have known? Who could have guessed? God can use me, and I will be blessed! The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Yes, my God will do it all!” Refrain By John Folkening. © 2002 Concordia Publishing House.