The Consolidation of Latin America


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Presentation transcript:

The Consolidation of Latin America AP World History II

Roots of Political Change Political change begins with the Creoles Held back by class differentiation Four external events that precipitate Latin American Independence American Revolution French Revolution Haitian Revolution Iberian Political Crisis

Haitian Revolution Haiti was a French sugar colony Slaves begin a revolution in 1791 under the leadership of Toussaint L’Overture. 1804: The Independent Republic of Haiti is established. Haiti becomes a symbol of freedom and hope for Latin American Independence movements

Iberian Political Crisis France invaded Portugal and Spain as a part of the Napoleonic Wars. By 1810, confusion in Spain and Portugal provokes a crisis in the colonies. The crisis of legitimacy reverberates throughout the colonies.

Mexico Priest Father Miguel de Hidalgo calls for help from mestizos and American Indians for independence. Won early victories, but lost support of creoles Captured and executed Later, in 1820, Creoles were able to move towards independence.

Mexico Augustin de Iturbide, a creole officer at the head of the army, was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico in 1821. This is a conservative solution…no attempt to incorporate Hidalgo’s ideals Central America was attached to the Mexican empire, but it collapsed in 1824. Mexico becomes a republic, and central American states declare independence by 1838

South America Simon Bolivar emerges as a leader in Northern South America, 1817-1822 he won a series of victories in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, otherwise known as Gran Colombia Bolivar dies in 1830 as a symbol of independence and republican government.

South America In Southern South America, Jose de San Martin organizes a movement in the Rio de la Plata

South America 1816: United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata San Martin becomes a crusader of Independence movements Argentina Chile Peru Newly independent nations of South America were born of the enlightenment and the ideas of 19th century liberalism, thus many were republics with representative governments

Brazil Napoleonic invasions were different for Portugal than in Spain. 1807: French troops enter Portugal and the royal family flees to Brazil. Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Portugal, and Brazil was raised to the same status as Portugal. With Spanish colonies, Napoleonic invasions caused a crisis. In the Portuguese colony of Brazil, the same invasions brought the colonial government into the colony!

Brazil Portugal was ruled from Brazil until 1820. Rio de Janeiro becomes a bustling city of European progress, especially with British commerce. Dom Joao was recalled in 1820, and he leaves his son Pedro in Brazil. Pedro declares Brazilian independence in 1822 and becomes Dom Pedro I, constitutional emperor of Brazil.

Latin American independence issues Representative government Careers open to talent Freedom of commerce and trade Right to private property Belief in individual as basis of society New nations should be sovereign New nations should be economically viable New nations should be united under a set of laws Church…Roman Catholicism vs. Freedom of Religion

LA Independence Issues Early constitutions impose property or literacy restrictions on voting Creoles are caught in the middle! Sometimes they fight for independence, sometimes for royal forces Mestizo class distinction still exists

Political Fragmentation Mexico: short-lived monarchy, then republic by 1823, but unstable until 1860s Guatemala forms United Provinces of Central America, but collapses by 1839 Dominican Republic occupies Haiti, but gains independence in 1844

Political Fragmentation South America Gran Colombia Ecuador Colombia Panama Venezuela Collapses by 1830, the year of Bolivar’s death Rio de la Plata Modern Argentina Chile remains independent Peru and Bolivia flirt with union from 1829-1839 under Andres Santa Cruz

Caudillos Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force, and who sometimes lead the national government itself Becomes the arbiter of power in local regional differences Lead the local military, which puts Spain on the defense

Government Caudillos agree to create some form of republican government, but divisions therein are Centralists: Strong centralized national government Federalists: power to flow from regional governments

Government Liberals Conservatives Rights of an individual Attacked corporate structure of society Secular society Decentralized, federalist government Conservatives Strong centralized state Maintain aspects of colonial society Structures groups (guilds, institutions) provide the most stability for society Want to keep strong Iberian Catholicism alive The Political Spectrum!

1820-1870 Monroe Doctrine (1823): any attempt by a European power to colonize in America would be considered an unfriendly act by the US. Britain engages in extensive trade with Latin America LA becomes heavily invested and dependent in foreign trade

1820-1870 1820-1850 was a stagnant time for Latin America Economic motives drive LA towards success Coffee in Brazil Beef and Hides in Argentine Minerals and Grains in Chile Guano in Peru 1840’s-communications and industry increases in LA 1860’s-railroads

1820-1870 Positivism: LA societies stressed observation and a scientific approach to solving problems Industrialism and Imperialism creates new demands for Latin American products. LA leaders want to expand their capitalist interests

MEXICO Mexican republic was established in 1824 Federalist constitution that resembles the US, France General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna seizes power in 1835 Caudillo Autocratic

Mexico-Texas Texans sought more autonomy as federalists within the Mexican Nation. Santa Anna attempts to suppress the Texans Santa Anna is captured The US, under ideals of Manifest Destiny, votes to annex Texas in 1845.

Mexico-Texas War breaks out between Mexico and the US Mexico is forced to sign the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 US acquires ½ of Mexico’s national territory. Mexican-American war leaves bitter legacy of distrust.

Mexico Santa Anna could not return to power after the Mexican-American defeat Liberals begin La Reforma in 1854 New constitution in 1857 Benito Juarez (el presidente) pushes liberal reforms Civil War Conservatives turn to Napoleon III in France for assistance Maximilian von Habsburg takes the throne of Mexico Works to keep La Reforma in place, but is disliked by Juarez and liberals.

Mexico When French troops withdraw in 1867, Emperor Maximilian is captured and executed. Juarez sends the message… “hands off Mexico” to Europe!

Argentina United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata split apart soon after its independence was achieved in 1816. Liberals stress the concept of Centralism

Argentina Manuel de Rosas takes power by 1831 as a Federalist. Weak central government and local autonomy Benefits the Buenos Aires ranchers Despotic Driven from power in 1852

Argentina New constitution in 1853 incorporates Federalist ideals Centralists were appeased by guaranteeing national unity through the power of the presidency over provincial governors. 1862: Argentine Republic is declared 1862-1890: Able and intelligent Argentine Presidents 1868-1874: Domingo Sarmiento

Argentina Domingo Sarmiento (1811-1888) Supporter of US and Britain Liberal Believer in the value of education Helped by political stability of Buenos Aires Part of a greater sense of liberalism that will sweep through Argentina

Argentina Buenos Aires became a modern, sprawling metropolis

Brazil Avoided much of the political turmoil in the early 19th century Dom Pedro I abdicates in 1831 in favor of his younger son (to be Dom Pedro II) By 1840 Dom Pedro II is able to rule in his own name

Brazil Economic changes Coffee Fazendas (coffee estates) spread towards the interior 1880: coffee makes up more than 60% of Brazil’s exports Causes an intensification of slavery Slavery is not abolished until 1888 After 1850, under rule of enlightened monarch Dom Pedro II, Brazil sees considerable growth and prosperity.

Brazil Brazil was the last nation in the western hemisphere to abolish slavery War against Paraguay in 1865-1870 was a stain on the monarchy 1889: bloodless coup deposes the emperor Military rule, influenced by positivist intellectuals and Republican politicians (which began in 1871)

1880-1920 Expansion of Latin American Economy was led by exports Bananas and coffee from Central America Tobacco and sugar from Cuba Rubber and Coffee from Brazil Copper and silver from Mexico Wool, wheat, and beef from Argentina Copper from Chile Profitable, but dependent on the world market

1880-1920 Export driven economy often caused revolts and wars throughout Latin America Exports rose amazingly high from 1870-1890 “As wealthy as an Argentine”

Mexico 1880-1920 Benito Juarez’s liberalism set the tone for economic growth Porfirio Diaz was elected president in 1876.

Mexico: 1880-1920 Porfirio Diaz Suppressed regional rebellions Imposed a strong centralized government Industrialization Financial policies promote investment Growth occurred at the expense of the rural peasantry Strikes and labor unrest increased No real immigrant class By 1910, a middle class movement mushrooms into a 10-year civil war

Argentina: 1880:1920 Buenos Aires becomes the “Paris of South America” Liberalism began by Sarmiento continued Technological change and immigration fueled continued success. By 1914, about 1/3 of Argentina were immigrants Fusion of cultures Tango: fuses African and Spanish music

Brazil: 1880-1920 Economic changes and advancements also have their social cost… Socialist party formed in 1890 1918: Strikes lead to violent repression 1912: Moderates push for electoral reform 1916: Radical party calls for more liberal policies.

The US and LA 1898: US War with Spain US get rights to Panama Canal Centered on Cuba and Puerto Rico Jose Marti fights in exile for Cuban independence Spanish-American war serves to introduce American domination of Latin America US occupies CUBA until 1902 and Puerto Rico US get rights to Panama Canal Colombia was reluctant The US backed a Panamanian independence movement Panama Canal opens in 1908 under the guise of Theodore Roosevelt.