CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America Edoardo Martelli (CERN); Pedro Diniz (CBPF); Renato Santana (CBPF); Douglas Vieira (USP - SAMPA) 09/02/2015, LHCOPN-LHCONE.


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Presentation transcript:

CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America Edoardo Martelli (CERN); Pedro Diniz (CBPF); Renato Santana (CBPF); Douglas Vieira (USP - SAMPA) 09/02/2015, LHCOPN-LHCONE meeting - Cambridge (UK)

Brazilian Participation on LHC Brazilian researchers participate on all LHC experiments WLCG sites in Brazil o CBPF – LHCb (350 cores / 300 TB) o USP (SAMPA) – ALICE (1680 cores / 300 TB) o UNESP (SPRACE) – CMS (1200 cores / 800 TB) o UERJ – CMS (600 cores / 150 TB) Brazilian academic institutions are connected to the Internet through RNP (Brazilian NREN) CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America2 Every site is interested in participating on the LHCONE project

RNP – Rede Nacional de Pesquisas Brazilian National Research and Educational Network RNP (Brazilian NREN) o Provides global integration and collaboration supported by information and communication technologies, for the generation of knowledge and excellence of education and research. Provides funding for researches in the following areas: o Culture o Education o Health o Computer Networks National Backbone o PoPs spread across the 27 Federative Units o 10 Gbps backbone o Provides Internet connection for the Metropolitan RENs (like RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP/RNP and ANSP) CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America3 Testing 100 Gbps backbone


Brazilian LHCONE Pilot Project - CBPF RNP is ready to participate on LHCONE Reasons why CBPF was choosen as a Pilot Project: o REASON: CBPF Facilities CBPF team and RNP team are working together CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America5 Metropolitan REN of Rio de Janeiro

Brazilian Center for Research in Physics - CBPF Institute of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil One of the largest scientific production in the country o ~ 70 researchers o ~ 300 scientific articles annually, published in the top refereed journals in physics CBPF’s graduate program, o In existence for over 50 years o Academical Masters and Doctoral Degree Program o Professional Masters Degree Program o Ranked with the highest score by Brazil’s Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America6

CBPF Participation on LHC CBPF, LHCb and CMS o Since 2001 participates on the LHCb colaboration o Projects of hardware and software development and studies for the determination of LHCb sensibility CBPF and ROC-LA o LHCb/CBPF group manages the Regional Operation Centre for Latin America (ROC-LA) o Monitors all Latin American sites, promoting availability and reliability to the LCG grid. CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America7

CBPF Participation on LHC CBPF and WLCG o Hosts the CBPF LHC Computing Grid site (LCG.CBPF.br)LCG.CBPF.br o Since 2007 Tier-2 site for LHCb o Supports other Virtual Organizations (VOs) in physics and biomedical science. LHCb Tier-2 Site o 350 cores o 4 GB RAM/core o 300 TB Storage CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America8

CBPF Network Infrastruture and RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP Rio CBPF is connected to the Internet through the REN of Rio de Janeiro (known as “RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP Rio/RNP”) RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP Rio/RNP o 10 Gbps backbone o 1 Gbps redundancy backbone o 12 PoPs spread all over the city o ~100 institutions connected o Network plataform:  DWDM: Lightpad i1600 PADTEC  Routers: Cisco ASR 9000 (backbone), Cisco ME3400 & ME3600X (CPE) CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America9 Most part of the education, health and culture Brazilian institutions is in Rio de Janeiro

CBPF Network Infrastruture and RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP Rio CBPF is connected to the Internet through the REN of Rio de Janeiro (known as “RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP Rio/RNP”) RedeRio/FAPERJ and REDECOMEP Rio/RNP o 10 Gbps backbone o 1 Gbps redundancy backbone o 12 PoPs spread all over the city o ~100 institutions connected o Network plataform:  DWDM: Lightpad i1600 PADTEC  Routers: Cisco ASR 9000 (backbone), Cisco ME3400 & ME3600X (CPE) Author/more info Gbps testbed in operation on the next 3 months Most part of the education, health and culture Brazilian institutions is in Rio de Janeiro

11 RedeRio/FAPERJ Network Topology aaa aaaaaaaaaa 10 Gbps 1 Gbps National REN CBPF LAN

12 CBPF – CERN Path

CBPF Brasil and LHCONE in South America THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Contacts: – Edoardo Martelli (CERN): – Pedro Diniz (CBPF): – Renato Santana (CBPF): – Douglas Vieira (USP): – Alex Moura (RNP): 13