Cavendish Group is delighted to produce Marine Engineering & Offshore Technology, an official journal of the Brazilian Maritime and Offshore sector. With a current workforce of around 50,000 people, the Brazilian shipbuilding industry is on a growth curve. Considering the indirect jobs from the supply and service industry, this number grows to around 230,000 jobs. To meet the demand for drill-ships, FPSO’s, rigs and equipment for pre-salt exploration, the priority will be given to drill-ships and rigs built in Brazilian shipyards, with emphasis on modern deepwater drillers. Massive investments will be made by the shipyards that are awarded the contracts. BNDES - Brazil’s development bank and major financing institution awarded around $70b to the Brazilian shipbuilding industry in 2010 alone. Part of this financing is done through the FMM - Merchant Marine Fund and FGCN “Naval Construction Guarantee Fund”. Petrobras is also negotiating a special credit program with national banks, exclusively for financing the supply chain for pre-salt drillship construction in national shipyards. The demand for production rigs is estimated to be around 150 units up to The estimate for Petrobras demand alone is for 95 units. Private O&G operators are expected to have a demand for 55 production rigs, including 48 units for OGX Petroleo. To meet this demand for ships, there are 17 shipyards being built along the Brazilian coast and the expansion and modernization of another five. The portfolio of orders in existing shipyards registers 132 units presently under construction; such as tankers, offshore support vessels, port support tugs, container ships and carriers, in addition to 253 ships. The 70% local content demand for the shipbuilding industry, 40% goes to manpower and 30% to steel planks, leaving the door wide open for foreign and local investors to import whatever technology they need. TECNOLOGIA MARINHA E OFFSHORE MARINE ENGINEERING AND OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY
CONTENT LIST Marine Engineering & Offshore Technology is published in both English and Portuguese, with 70 per cent editorial content. The magazine focuses on western technology, expertise and best practice through a series of case-studies, reports and articles. As the only Government endorsed journal in this sector, Marine Engineering and Offshore Technology is perfectly placed to unlock new opportunities for your company in Brazil. Marine Engineering & Offshore Technology showcases state of the art solutions, combined with strong editorial content produced in cooperation with organisations including IMCA, OCA, UKOOA, IMO and The Society of Petroleum Engineers. TECNOLOGIA MARINHA E OFFSHORE MARINE ENGINEERING AND OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY
- CEO//Presidents/ Owners/Managing Directors- Plant supervisors / Supply Chain Managers - Senior Engineers/ Naval ArchitectsMarine & Offshore Engineers/ Surveyors - Ship Builders, Ship Owners, Ship Operators- Directors of Operations/ Supervisors - Project Heads/ Heads of Procurement- Safety Officers and Engineers Readers include key decision makers from : Petrobras, BrasFels, Brazilian Odebrecht, BSC (Brazilian Shipping Company), BW Offshore, EBX Group, Engevix Engenharia SA, Floatec, GVA, Modec, Noble, Pride, Prosafe, SBM (Single Buoy Mooring), Seadrill Management AS, Sevan Marine, Sinergy Group, Teekay, Transocean, Transpetro, FMM “Fundo da Marinha Mercante, FGCN “Fundo de Garantia da Construção Naval” Shipyards: EAS (Atlantico Sul Shipyard), Atlântico Sul (PE) Shipyard, Estaleiro Rio Grande OGX Petroleo, OSX shipyard, Mauá shipyard, Atlântico Sul Shipyard, BNDES (Banco de Desenvolvimento Social), Kingfish do Brasil Navegação Ltda Marine Engineering & Offshore Technology has a projected readership of over 60,000 readers per quarter. The magazine is produced in both print and electronic format, and is sent to our database of qualified recipients. In addition, the magazine is distributed at all major tradeshows, conferences and seminars. Decision-makers who receive the publication include:- With targeted circulation and high quality editorial, Marine Engineering & Offshore Technology is the perfect vehicle to bring buyer and sellers together. TECNOLOGIA MARINHA E OFFSHORE MARINE ENGINEERING AND OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY
We enjoy a good relationship with industry organisations that provide us with feedback on previous issues, direction for future issues, and access to their members. These organisations and associations include: CSEN (Sector Board for Naval and Offshore Equipment) The marine machinery department of ABIMAQ (Brazilian Machinery Builders Association). SINAVAL (National Syndicate for Naval Construction and Repair Industry and Offshore). TECNOLOGIA MARINHA E OFFSHORE MARINE ENGINEERING AND OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY
Marine Engineering and Offshore Technology 2012 Spring Feature : Green Technology: Emissions IT- Navigation & Communications : Maritime ERP software solution for shipbuilding Bridge Systems : ECDIS Marine Equipment : Deck Machinery Propulsion : Automation & Drive Systems Maintenance Repair Overhaul : Marine coatings Summer Feature: Ship Building: Piping System Bridge Systems : Voyage Data Recorders Safety : Anti piracy Marine Equipment : Winches & Cranes Propulsion : Dual Fuel Engines Maintenance Repair Overhaul : Welding & Cutting Equipment Autumn Feature: Safety : Emergency response IT- Navigation & Communications : Risk & Asset Management Bridge Systems : Dynamic positioning Marine Equipment : Pumping Systems Green Technology : Waste Water Treatment Ship Building : HVAC Winter Feature: Propulsions : Future Fuels and Lubes IT- Navigation & Communications : Fleet management Safety : Explosion Proof Equipment Maintenance Repair Overhaul : Lubrication Systems Green Technology : Ballast Water Treatment Ship Building : Electrical Installations Please note: Editorial schedule is subject to change without prior notice TECNOLOGIA MARINHA E OFFSHORE MARINE ENGINEERING AND OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY
Our Competitive Package includes: Full colour presentation in the relevant editorial section Direct access to a targeted audience with a respected and high profile platform Formidable exposure to decision makers and specifies in one of the world’s fastest growing energy markets Bonus distribution at all major Brazilian shipping and marine events, conferences, trades shows and seminars If you have a new technology or innovation you feel could interest our readers, please contact our editor Sarah Berry on : TECNOLOGIA MARINHA E OFFSHORE MARINE ENGINEERING AND OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY AVERTISING Key Contacts: Mr Mike Smith – Business Development Manager Tel: Mr James Stromberg - Group Director Tel: Rates : Internal PageGBP 5,950 Half PageGBP 3,950 Back CoverGBP 11,950 Inner Front/ Back GBP 8,950 Double PageGBP 8,950 Discounts are available for serial bookings at the following rates: 2 issues 10% 3 issues 12.5% 4 issues 15%