National INIS Centre of Brazil: Highlights of Main Activities and Future Plan Maria Betania Monte Alto Lambert Nuclear Information Center – CIN Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission - CNEN 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers
INPUT Collecting Literature Cataloguing/Indexing SDI – Selective Dissemination of Information DOCUMENT DELIVERY PROMOTION INIS Main Activities National INIS Centre of Brazil
Identification Persons Institutions Publications Survey of Information-Generating Sources Collecting Literature
Location Primary source Secondary source Tertiary source Nowadays, the Internet is the greatest source of literature Survey of Information-Generating Sources Collecting Literature
Organization of information sources - Events Collecting Literature Brazilian Congress on Medical Physics – BAMF NumberYearSituation 1/51996/2000 No proceedings Included in the INIS database Not found yet 8/162003/2011Included in the INIS database http://
Indexing Internal indexer External Indexing Contract Physics Chemistry Biology Cataloguing and Indexing INPUT
Brazilian contribution to the INIS database
INIS Personalized Document Delivery Service Selective Dissemination of Information Service
Importance of cooperation between INIS countries RRIANDOC – INIS Latin American countries Document Delivery Service National INIS centre of Brazil
Brazilian Nuclear Knowledge Portal Promotion INIS database /
Presentations to students from nuclear area s Events - information sheets, bookmarkers Promotion National INIS Centre of Brazil
Portal CAPES
Integrate the Portal CAPES Metasearch Improve the time lag Keeping input Redesign the Brazilian Nuclear Knowledge Portal Integrating CIN services INIS SDI INIS Collection Search Widget Future Actions National INIS Centre of Brazil
Thank you! 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers